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Topics - KpopKitsune

Pages: [1]
Site/Forum Help / Invalid Token- Password reset
« on: May 12, 2014, 05:54:29 am »
Alright, i'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I was trying to reset the password for my other account, and everytime I get the email and put in the token and username, it says the token is invalid. I used the upper right hand corner box and said /Forgot Password/ It's still not working, is it just the site or am I honestly doing something wrong?

Game Help / Missing Meshes In Custom Map When In Game
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:42:11 am »
Alright, So I'd made a custom map, I retextured a few of the default objects that had come in the game to match the terrain they were placed on, They show up when I test it in the map maker, as well as everything else I placed, But when I go to it In game, A Blue Tree from Final Fantasy X ,the Northern Lights partciles, the Twinkle Lights particle, and the IT Cherry blossom tree mesh I downloaded do not show up. Have I done something wrong?

Game Help / Music not playing
« on: February 07, 2014, 07:18:16 pm »
Okay, i've checked the tutorial I saw here in the forums and i'd wrote everything right and even changed the cfg file. But I cannot hear the music nor can anyone else who has downloaded my map, Am I doing something wrong and just do not see it? xD

Game Help / Cannot connect to front server
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:51:46 am »
Not entirely sure what is going on here anymore, I've stopped using wireless internet and just stayed hooked up to ethernet, It worked for a while but now even with the ethernet cord and everything else working, Feral heart just will not let me log in anymore, It was working earlier but now not even switching the rendering option fixes it. My internet's working completely, no programs are up in the background, the site says the game server is still up, and my firewall isn't blocking it. Doesn't work on wireless either. So i'm confused, can anyone help me?

Game Help / Map maker issues
« on: January 27, 2014, 07:46:40 am »
Okay, I seem to have this problem everytime I go to do the terrains, They all go in transparent now, I cannot for the life of me, put one terrain without it overriding the other. Or they look so bright you can't even see what is what. If what I am saying makes any sense whatsoever, please help. D8

You think you can take the heat? We are Sited so all of our info is on there. But i will post it here as well
We are Literate (Accept Semi-lit too) and Semi-Realistic to Realistic, Soon to be mapped.

We are currently in need of a Medicine Cat and a Medicine Cat Apprentice, as well as Queens, Warriors, Kits, and Apprentices.

Want to be allies or Rivals? Mapped or Mapless we will accept either as Allies, Rivals will be mapped with us. If your clan is Allies or Rivals with this clan we will have links to your sites as well, I will add a section in on the site viewable to members as well as non-members that has info on everything concerning your Rivalry with us or our alliances. Please do drop me a message on here or find me in game as KpopKitsune, if you are interested.

Request Maps / Looking for a good and fairly large warrior cats map
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:28:13 pm »
I'm new to the requesting of maps, usually I prefer to make my own, but my tablet has gone out to hopefully get repaired, so I cannot make it myself.

Looking for something that would hold maybe 4 clans, My clan is the .: BrushFire Clan:.
Will look for things like the Moonpool and a twoleg place, as well as clan territories and the general meeting place.
Nothing too fancy, i've seen the fancier maps lag more than most. But please drop me a message if you have any other questions.

Game Help / Failed to connect to front server
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:03:32 pm »
I've been getting this on and off for the past two days, I can log in at times but once i click a character, it will say
"Cannot connect to main server" Then send me back to the title screen, and i'll get
 "Failed to connect to front server".
I was able to be on for a few hours this morning then it crashed, and now I am getting it all over again, am I the only one having this issue?  (Not sure if I posted this in the wrong forum)

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