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Topics - ilovecookies17890

Pages: [1]
Game Help / now going into major panic mode part 2
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:58:09 am »
ok, yea i forgot to add this. i already made an account on the original website. and you know how you are supposed to use that same username and password for the actual game along with the website account? well mine does not work. it is ilovecookies17890 and when i type in that username along with my password into the game it says its invalid. but here is the double weird part. the first time i played fh (and it actually worked) i didn't type in my original username i typed in my one i usually use for other games which is skygirl17890. its either we got some major glitches going on or i am just becoming a crazy person. plz help me out or reply if this has ever happened to u before it would help a lot!! thx!!!  ;)

Game Help / now going into major panic mode!!!!
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:07:18 am »
ok so i just downloaded this on my mac and i was having fun playing and stuff and then i decided to log off for a little bit. And when i got back on and typed in my username and pass word the said it was invalid!!!! I'm so upset! i keep retyping it over and over again and then i have to wait fifteen minutes and repeat! plz help idk if this is a regular glitch or something but i don't like it!

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