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Topics - SavvyJackal

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Can't Log In!
« on: December 23, 2016, 04:32:04 pm »
Hey! I've been away for a couple years and I wanted to start playing again. The problem is, although I can access the forums, I can't access the game. I've reset my password already. Help? :/

EDIT: Also, yes, I have the "Play Game" tab open. Unfortunately, I have no clue what my old password was...

Request Other Mods/Creations / Do any roleplays need a map?
« on: June 04, 2014, 05:40:30 pm »
Hello, there. I've been in a mapmaking mood lately. Are there any roleplays in need of a map? A foresty map, specifically?

If you'd like me to make you a map, your roleplay must be literate and long-term. I'd like a spot in the roleplay, as well. I have experience leading groups, so a leading position would be preferred. The map would be between 40,000 and 80,000 "units" in width. I would do my best to make it as nice as possible.

If you're interested, post here and tell me a bit about your roleplay. It can be warrior cats, wolves, dogs, whatever!

Below is an example of what the map would look like. The height map and such would be subject to change. Also, the map in its entirety is a work in progress. There will be more than just trees and the few bushes when I'm done with it. xD

Hey, all. I'm working on this strictly realistic, rather largely mapped (approximately 1.25 square miles of land) public roleplay thing. I wanted to know if the general Feral-Heart population would be interested in roleplaying as a dingo, dhole, or clouded leopard, rather than a wolf or a lion or a warrior cat. Those roleplays are the most prevalent, after all.

The three species would share the same large map. They would be the only predators in the ecosystem. The other animals would be NPC prey animals. The realism would be rather strict. I would monitor pelt colors, markings, ear type, tail type, etc. (For example, here is a [major work in progress] design sheet page for the dingo:

Anyway, tell me what you all think!

P.S. Yes, all of the animals listed are from entirely different ecosystems. However, I have a story to make it work. Let's just say it has something to do with the fact that dingos, dholes, and clouded leopards are all endangered (or threatened) species. c:

Also, I apologize if I put this in the wrong section. x.x

Halcyon Valley
Literate | Realistic | Mapped | Rivaled | Active | Long-Term

All three of our packs are recruiting!

This is a strictly active roleplay.
If you can only log on one or two days a week, this roleplay isn't for you!

For all the details, check out our site!

An Introduction
We are a literate, realistic, mapped, long-term wolf roleplay! There are three packs in this roleplay, all of which reside on the same large map. We are strictly active (30+ members are online almost every day, the other members are online at least three days a week). We are active from 2:00pm CST to 12:00pm CST on weekdays, and random intervals on weekends.

For an introduction to our story, click the spoiler below!

Halcyon Valley is set in Monte Mottac, a lower alpine mountain range located in northern Italy.
The year is 110 BC, during the rise of the Roman Empire.

After the original Ashwinter pack fell, those who had managed to escape the Romans went searching for a place of refuge. Along the way, they met others, who joined them on their quest. It was about a month later that the group found such a land, which they so fittingly named "Halcyon Valley." Resources were plentiful. There were no signs of humans, nor of other wolves. What's more is, amazingly, the entire valley seemed to be sealed off by mountains. It was here that the Ashwinter pack was reformed. A few months later, a new pack, the Zephyrwillow pack, entered the valley. This friendly bunch who claimed territory in the northeast didn't seem to pose a threat, but a new threat soon became apparent. Aodhan, a member of the Ashwinter pack, had secretly formed his own pack. When Valerie, alphess of the Ashwinter pack, found out, she approached Aodhan. It was then that Aodhan and the Evershade pack completely split off from the Ashwinter pack, and claimed territory in the northwest. What adventures lie ahead for the wolves of Halcyon Valley? Join us, and find out!

The Packs
Ashwinter Pack: This pack is of the "neutral" alignment. Led by Valerie, a friendly wolfess with an erratic temperament.
Zephyrwillow Pack: This pack is of the "good" alignment. Led by Arlot, an eccentric wolf that strives for peace.
Evershade Pack: This pack is of the "evil" alignment. Led by Aodhan, an aloof wolf with unpredictable motives.

The Map
Halcyon Valley is a rather large, somewhat diverse map. The northwest, southwest, and northeast corners are more rugged, mountainous areas. The southeast corner is a dense forest. The interior is more plains-like in nature, but there are many trees scattered around. A river partially divides the map, separating the three packs. A winter map has been created, and is used for four months of the roleplay year.

Want to know more about our map, or check out some screenshots? Click the spoiler below!

Map Size: 30,000 width/3,000 height
File Size: 17 MB (Summer Map + Winter Map)
Creator: SavvyJackal

If you would like to join, you must choose a working rank. Alternatively, you may choose to be a pup.

Click the spoiler below for details about our working ranks.

Medics are responsible for the upkeep of herb supplies, monitoring the health of the wolves within the pack, and providing medical aid to those with injuries. They are also expected to pupsit more often than the other working ranks, due to the fact that their job does not normally require them to leave the camp. Medics almost always work alone.

Scouts are responsible for venturing outside of the territory to gather information and check for any potential threats. In times of war, they are expected to investigate the other pack's borders, and keep an eye on the members of the other pack. They are also expected to track other wolves, should the need arise. Scouts work alone or in pairs.

Wardens are responsible for guarding the territory's borders. They are also expected to accompany anyone who requests their protection when venturing outside of the territory. In times of war, they are expected to step up as the first line of defense. When on border patrol, wardens often work in pairs or in trios.

Registration Form
If you would like to join our roleplay, please fill out the form below and post here. You may be brief with your character's appearance and history description. We just want to be sure that your character is realistic, and that the history makes sense in the context of the roleplay!

Code: [Select]
How active are you?:
Desired Pack:
Desired Rank:
Character Name:
Character Appearance:
Character History:
Character Personality (optional):
Roleplay Sample:

Request a Preset/Marking / Taliah Needs Scars
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:46:13 pm »
My character, Taliah, needs some unique scars.

I just want thin scars (like in the default "Scar" marking) on her body. If you could do the tail and the face, that would be a plus. In fact, ear scars and tail scars would be great. I don't want anything on the top of her back, by her muzzle, or by her eyes.

That's pretty much it. It's simple enough, but I can't figure out how to do it myself. I created them, couldn't figure out how to get them in, and gave up. D:

I'd very much appreciate if someone could do this for me. c:

Introduction / Hi, I'm new! Lookin' for a partner or a small pack!
« on: February 04, 2014, 01:13:38 am »
Hello, everyone! I'm SavvyJackal. Since I'm new here, I figured it'd be best if I introduce myself!

My name is Brianna, though most people just call me Bri. I'm 19 years old and I'm a college sophomore. I love video games and watching TV. Basically, I'm just a really laid-back person.

My character is a golden jackal, so I'm looking for other friendly canines to spend time with. I want to have fun roaming around, relishing in my jackal-ness, and chatting, but I can't do it alone! What I'm specifically looking for is an individual (a feline would be fine in this case) or a small pack. Be warned, though, I'm not really into "hardcore" role playing. I will type out my actions and such (i.e. growling, tail movement, ear movement, etc) but I can't really role play as a character in a story. I see my character as myself.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in meeting up some time, just let me know! :)

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