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Topics - MadameNightmare

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello, I'm New.
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:45:34 pm »
Hello lovely people of Feral Hearts. :3

I'm MonsterMJFan, but you can call me Monster for short.

I love to draw, drink coffee, and listen to many types of music.
I also love wolves and lions, so when I heard of this site through Youtube videos and deviations on Deviantart, I got excited.

I'm also approachable, so if you want to get to know me a little more, don't be afraid to chat with me. ^^
I have just a simple, tiny question to ask: How do I download the game? I mean, I know where to go, but when I click download for the game, it takes me to a page with several download options that don't really tell me if it's part of the site or something else. ^^;

Sorry for not asking this question in the Help Forum, I just wanted to introduce myself first. It's only polite, am I right?

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