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Topics - Owlstar7

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello! This introduction is long over due.
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:12:13 am »
My name is Owlstar7. Some of you may have seen me wandering about.

I figured I would introduce myself and tell you more about me. I love reading and playing videogames. My favorite games are Pokemon and the Legend of Zelda. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series and the Warrior series. I am a kind person, but I tend to be shy just ask my sister MonsterMJFan. Speaking of sisters, MonsterMJFan, we are currently sharing a computer. I am on later than she is, but if I have no job for the day (I work a substitute classroom aide) I can be online earlier.

I hope to have a pleasant experience on FH. And I hope to meet all of you soon. :D

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