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Topics - Oceanwavez

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Panthera Mmorpg
« on: June 30, 2014, 09:31:33 pm »
Panthera 3D is a work in progress mmorpg, which is short for massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Panthera is as much of a roleplaying/chatting game as a life simulation of the magnificent panthera felines. Panthera will take place on a world made up of many islands each containing different climates and environments. The main Island will be the biggest, a rainforest located in the very center of the world. The water surrounding each island is shallow, low enough for an adult panthera feline to wad through. Fish can be found in this water as well as secrets that won't be spilled.

In Panthera you will be able to choose a tribe, roleplay, hunt, swim, find a mate and have cubs plus much, much more!
The game will be available to macs and laptops and other computers. We will have a login and registration system on the game so you can save your characters, once we have a set number of how many characters you may have we will tell but be are leaning for a number of 10-15 max.

The game is not yet released, also the staff will not be making guesses for you so don't ask.

Other Games / Scratch me~ 3D warrior cat game
« on: May 16, 2014, 06:56:09 pm »

Other Games / Eribus - Multi Animal - 3D Multiplayer game
« on: March 22, 2014, 07:07:54 am »

Playable Animals-

Large Felines


Terrain will consist of many places, mainly following forests, savannahs, jungles, islands and oceans, mountains and peeks and finally the land of peace and beauty. A place home to the titans, and their defendants. This land consists of two main places one the temple a place where all may enjoy and then the secret pPotatoage to a land only accessible to titans.

Emotions and Actions-

Yes both of these will be available because I know all of you really wanted to run around with your tongues hanging in the breeze! You will be able to smile, frown, wink ect. While also being able to run, sit, wag your tail and play.


As clearly stated this game will have a relationship bar, with other members you will eventually be able to earn the rank of best friends, mates and auto given relationships like with daughters and sons. Actions will bring your bar up while doing nothing with that person will leave it at nothing.

Situations and Weather-

Oh yes this will be added, we will have sudden tornadoes or killer thunderstorms even floods.

Health Bar and Death-

Yes you will be able to die but once you die you will be sent to the temple in a special chamber used to recover health and whatever other bars we add. As we have health bars we will also have water and food bars, do not fret though these will descend extremely slow.


You will be able to create groups but that is only if you meet the requirements with your character, you must be an adult that is the only requirement.

Starting off-

Starting off you will begin in the temple close to merchants who may sell shells or flowers for your character, to purchase all you must earn are points, to earn points you simply must not die. Killing prey will earn you points faster as will learning moves. You will have three options to chose from as ages. Unborn, Newborn and Adolescent.
The longer you play the faster your character will age unless set at never grow.


To give this game a bit of a system we are adding a way to buy food, water and a few accessories like flowers or shells. From island beaches, to earn points simply live, train and keep your bars at a good health.

Other Games / On the Wings of an Albatross- EPIC 3D bird game!
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:43:21 am »
So, you're probably wondering what this whole 'oWA' thing is. It's the shortened version of On the Wings of an Albatross!

In this fantasy-realistic game, you will get to play as the biggest bird in the world, the albatross.

It will be FeralHeart-ish, but also Skyrim-like. The world will be vast, and there will be skills and perks for different abilities.

There will be so many things to do in the game! Including quests for NPCs!

The albatrosses, named after the greatest god of all, Albatros, have been living in the Islands of Rocaria (In the future, when all of the continents have seperated into islands, ruled by birds)a very long time, back to the olden times, when the Gods and Goddesses were Pelagornis and had yet to evolve.

The albatrosses here all worship the Gods, who created their world.

The game captures the expieriance of flight, with realistic moves and swift turns.

Your goal is to survive. You will be able to fish, walk on land, fly (Duh), and swim, also diving to explore the underwater world.

The game is realistic, but there will be tribal markings, but nothing bright.

The body colors will all be realistic, but the markings will be somewhat crazy.

You will start and mainly live in Rocaria, but otherwise, you are free to go all over the world.

Please Make sure to read the rules and Understand this important fact. The Game is Not Out Yet, and we do not have any release dates and will not provide any.

So what are you waiting for? Join the fun today! -Sincerely The Loving Gods and Goddesses.

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