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Topics - .TechoAsh.

Pages: [1]
Request/Find Meshes / Needing town meshes
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:06:24 pm »
Hello! :) I am making a private map for my pack, The Securus Council.
I am needing town meshes
I already have houses; just need items go in the houses.

- Drinks
- Beds
- Lamps
- Pillows
- Fences
- Dead people & animals
- Doors
- Trash cans, Dumpsters.
- Walk ways
- Road (Can be a texture or mesh)
- Dogs
- Dog house
- Benches
- Cars
- Dog/Cat beds
- Caves/Dens
- Horses
- Cows
- Pigs
- Crops

I will add more if needed

Fear What is it? It is the feeling that most get when Darkness takes over, not only turning day into night, but also when darkness takes over ones soul and mind. Making them go almost insane from the consuming dark and fear.

Salvix is part of Fight Till the End.

Contact Lil devil1

We live in a land that is dying... We don't know why, What's causing this fatal disease?!? Will we catch it at the end!? Who will save us? Prey is dying or being killed they are dying off, we are having little and little more green grass. We have to fight our way to find the our food, or fight the other packs? Will we have do that? Can we survive on our own? suggest to the other packs to let us hunt on their land? is it happening to them? If so.. Idk what we will do...

Literate - Elemental - Sited - Mapped - Plotted - We Have a Backstory - Rivaled/Allied(Curtain Neutral though)
Mature - Active - Custom - Long term - Ideas coming for the near future for SI and FTTE(fight till the end).


Contact .TechoAsh. or SilentDeath001

| x | I n f o r m a t I o n

 x Semi-Lit To Lit
 x Semi-Real
 x Mapless/Mapped(Soon) Explained Downward
 x Sited -> If joining please check it out, Pick a rank and sigh up.
 x Plot is under construction
 x Rivaled
 x Allied
 x Whisper .TechoAsh.

Mapless/Mapped- We are half mapless and half mapped meaning part will be mapped the other mapless.


Request/Find Meshes / Needing MehesBo
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:42:52 pm »
I'm Needing Meshes and maybe a little Ideas <~<


1. Haunted Stoof <- Im needing stuff the looks kinda haunting, cause im making A haunted mansion
2. Needing either A mansion or Houses :D
3. Plants and Trees.
4. Fences & Crops I got Corn
6. Animals: Dogs, Cats ETC Farm Animals

Any Ideas that will help with my large map im making?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / V O I D
« on: July 13, 2014, 04:59:12 pm »
V O I D <

-Semi Real
-Long Term
-Soon Sited
-Mapless / Mapped(Soon, Ask Recruit or Look below)
-Soon Plotted
-Look below for how to be Rival
-Look Below for requirements
-Rp Sample Required: Whisper .TechoAsh. If Interested


1. Pelt must stay under 100,100,100
2. Markings can be any color but neon colors.
3. Upper/Under Eye can be any color but White.
4. RP Sample Req.
5. Sign up for website(Once Finished)


1. Your pack will be Mapless / Mapped Meaning there will be two parts in your pack one part of being Mapless for people who can't download maps, then the other part with it being mapped people who can download maps.
2. Literate is required
3. Semi Real is Required.
4.Have your members Sign up for Website(Once Finished) and have them put A tag for which pack their in.

6 Rival Packs are required for the whole RP.

-Fairly New
-Needing Rivals
-Sited <- The website is being updated!
-Mapped <- The Map is being updated!!
We don't tolerate trespassers!
we don't show mercy on her enemies!
we don't back down

Whisper SilentDeath001 to join.

Request/Find Meshes / Needing Meshes
« on: May 24, 2014, 06:04:30 pm »
Hai  ;) I'm needing A slaughter like house, and A human <.< Like A standing human and some other horror stuff ALSO! A fence and bedding Like Moss or Hay, Also I'm needing like dead things (O.O) Dead Trees I mean.. xD I need many Horror things c:
(Im making 6 to 7 maps total for A map pack, for my pack c:)

I'm needing Animals, Deers, Rabbits, Mice, Rats, And Dinosuars <.< :D Thank you <333 I will send A thank you c: if chu helps out

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