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Topics - The warrior of the moon

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Characters / Borali's Journal
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:53:11 pm »
Ps, Moon wolves have a very VERY akward time thing. Remember dat.
Jan 1st, 4030
  Yes! Finally.. Today was my big day! Today,  i was going to fight my first arena monster. I was given paw wraps, and chained to the middle of the circle. This was usually how the battle started. Then, we would break free and fight each other.. TO DA DEATH! I couldn't wait at all. My moon marks glew, and the battle began. They brought out a Moontopian Alak. They were fox like creatures, with scales and red eyes. The beast got chained to a pole, and the battle began. I quickly broke the chain with my ram horns, and the beast leaped at me. I quickly dodged it, and then pinned the beast down, releasing dangerous long claws. The beast tried to escape, but no avail.   I then bit into its chest.. and the battle ended.

Jan 2nd,4030
 Ugh. Today was the day i have to go to some "School". I dont need teaching. Not even if its for battle. I am Borali! I am the mighty Moon Wolf! I mean, only strong moon wolves get ram horns right?! So i packed up, and then flew to this "School". To be honest, it better not be some ballet, or soccer thing.. or i will FREAK. The only thing i really enjoy much is.. FIGHTING! MWAHAHAH! Opps. I'm not evil.. OR AM I!?!?!?

                                         TO BE CONTINUED


Ask Me / Ask Borali
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:22:59 pm »
Hello all my fellow feral hearters! (Or just those who like to hang around the forums.) You can now ask, me, Borali, the moon wolf many questions! Just ask one, and i will try to answer it. :P I cant wait to see what you guys wish to know about Moon Wolves. If you wish to find out stuff about our species in general, then go to the species board and look up Moon Wolves. Heh. Hopefully i can answer them.. I haven't done many ask ____  before!

Species / Moon Beasts
« on: March 22, 2014, 11:53:25 pm »
Moon beasts are a species that look like a wolf and a dragon had a baby and named it a moon beast. Their colors vary from dark blues, to blacks, to yin yangs, and to bright whites. They will always have jade eyes though. Moon beasts have horns and long metal fangs.(I will show the picture).Most often the higher ranked beasts have wings, while on rare ocassions the high levels won't have wings like with The Moon Warrior. I created them with wyndibain's wolf maker Unleashed. 

Anyways, they live in high societies, on the moon. They build their houses out of proven to be Moon rock, NOT cheese. They are very advanced, and even say Warp travel is the most primitive discovery they have made so far. Instead of a king/queen, or a pres, they actually have one chosen Moon wolf, to be their leader. They like to spy on the residents to decide whether they are fit to be a leader (Only the canidates are spied on). They are rarely messed with due to their natural powerful fighting powers.

Rarely, will they allow humans on their planet. They are often counted as agressive aliens, even though they are actually mostly benevolent to other species, but they will rage warfare whenever they wish. Often, aliens never make the mistake of agrivating them though.. trust me. They are beast in combat. (Puts on glasses, and says "LIKE A BOSS!")

              Post on here what your character looks like and their bios, info, etc. I would like to see what you guys come up with!

Leaving / Goodbye friends. :(javascript:void(0);
« on: March 22, 2014, 08:19:39 pm »
I am creating a new acount! i will not use this one anymore sorry! I don't want to leave this behind, but i can't play feral heart with this account... i might talk about this account though. This accounts username is really long, and my password which i will NEVER tell, has a symbol that this game does not understand. After me and my dad tried and tried, we finally gave up and i set the time for my ban.. so... bye people! i will have to wait for a long time too.

UPDATE: Ah well, my luck as been down quite badly. I have been waiting for some time, DARN REGISTRATIONS! I really wish to join everyone soon though. Hopefully someday i will do it. Till then, i am gonna go just walking around the forms, trying to be active.. ish.  ;)

Let the moon shine and the wolves protect your soul
-The moon warrior

« on: March 22, 2014, 06:49:41 pm »
Ok i am having SERIOUS problems with feral heart and avast. Me and my dad were like la la do do and tried to download it, but avast went all OH  NO YOU DON"T on us. It imediatly stopped the finished program, so i couldn't open feral heart. It said it was some kind of malware or a virus, but i downloaded from THIS VERY SITE! My dad tried EVERYTHING he could to stop avast from doing this. When i tried all i could find was problems with norton. But i dont have norton, and none of my sites like AJ, etc are said to be malware. The strangest part though is that i have no hidden malware, viruses, or anything but avast seems to hate this site. I seriously looked at my files looking for any virus stuff, did 5 scans, (NOTHIN CAME UP) and even looked around at my downloads. Nothing. The only stuff i had was minecraft demo, and open office. though they were all downloaded from there REAL sites.... PLEASE HELP! TELL ME WHY AVAST HATES THIS GAME! People say avast is safe and doesn't do this, but my dell and avast seem to say so.

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