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Topics - wolf12345warriorcat

Pages: [1]
Hi floofies! I need ur help. Ok, I accidentaly made my user and pass over 16 chars on this account, so yesterday mornin I caught the registration openings and made my account. The activation email was sent to my mom's phone, and when we tried to activate it it took us to a place that said 403 error. I thought this was cuz it wasnt on a computer so we copied (and pasted) the link into the computer and it took us to 403 error again (and saying that it couldnt find the link. Plz, pretty much since Nov. 2013 I haz wanted to play FH. If u can help me u wouldnt know how greatly apprecitive I would be. PLZ HELP ME ASAP! Thx, -Anna

Game Help / Ugh.. preset help.. AGAIN!
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:11:45 pm »
Heyz ya'll! Ok I figured out how to do presets (YAY ME!! And those who greatly helped me!) But sadly, I need help with presets from my friendly floofies again. Ya know how only preset 11 and 12 can do wings? (This is my first preset, sorry if im stupid!) Well, I dont know where to get the material to do it. Like you know, preset 1 and 2 gives u a lion to color in. Well, I dont know how to get a material for preset 11. REMINDERS: I use paint, I dont have gimp or photoshop. Thx!

Introduction / Erm.. Im a little lonely!
« on: May 03, 2014, 09:12:51 pm »
Hi. Im sorta kinda new, and Im feeling as If i am not settling in to FH as well as I want to be. I know im welcome but i feel sort of like an outcast, I think that being a little younger makes it worse. Thank you. /color]

Ask Me / Ask meh
« on: May 03, 2014, 08:47:58 pm »
Ok ya'll. Go ahed and ask me anything! I iz ready for it!

Game Help / Need help with presets!
« on: May 02, 2014, 11:31:26 pm »
Hey guys well I wanted to make a preset even tho I dont have gimp or photoshop I still have paint. The thing in the manual didnt help because it was to confusing. I dont know how to make the thing the colors I want. Plz help me asap!

Site/Forum Help / One question!
« on: May 01, 2014, 09:28:56 pm »
Hi floofies! One question. I know that the registrations open up randomly, but haz anyone caught an opening at the same time more than once? I need another account because my username and password are more than 16 chars, and I cant log in to the game. Thx!

Game Help / One question
« on: May 01, 2014, 09:19:47 pm »
Are you allowed to mate in FH? If u can, how do u? or do u just say you are mates or something? Random question, just wanted to know!

Game Help / Just one quick yes or no question
« on: April 28, 2014, 09:04:35 pm »
Hi there floofs! Just one quick question, if u think it's dumb or stupid, it probably is. In the actual game, can ur char die? Sorry, just need to know!

Introduction / Hi, new clanmates
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:43:11 pm »
Hi Im new to both the forum and game. I would like to know if any of you floofs have any info that you think I would want or need to know. I cant play the game right now cuz my username and password are more than 16 chars, so im waiting for a registration opening and then I'll probably delete this one. Well, if there is anything I ought to know, plz let me know and I hope to see u in-game (if it will work) soon! Thx!

Game Help / I really need help!
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:53:10 pm »
Ok so I created my account when the registrations were open, and it went to the Email and we revieved it or wutever. It will let me log into the forum, but whenever I try to log in to the actual game, it says incorrect, and that if I keep getting it wrong it will give me a 5 minute ban. Plz help, I really want to play! And I enter what I use for the forum, so I know im not tryping anything wrong. I really want to play!

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