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Topics - elfsword

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / What? Pride Lands?
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:21:55 pm »

Hi! I'm back again! While I was working on my Ga'Hoole map, I map a second copy of Feral Heart and began working on my Lion King map! I'll be making updates in this thread as I go, and I hope I'll be able to complete it. Looking below will show you pictures of what I have so far! A lot of the pictures may look barren, but that's because I'm still placing trees in certain areas, so I can worry about plants and rocks later.

Because the map is so gigantic, it's left me room to cram in a lot of landmarks.
The following landmarks that have been/are planned to be added in the Pride Lands:

Pride Rock

Lair of the Lion Guard

Entrance way. Portal is hidden behind a backdrop.

The lair.

The Paintings on the wall

Map exit. Portal is hidden behind a backdrop.
Elephant Graveyard

Ye old skull.

Cave to main area.

Mini dens.

Geysers and a giant den in the cliffs.

Kilio Valley
Hidden Valley
A place Nala and Simba found in one of the books.
Lake Kiziwa
Lake Matope
Mizimu Grove
Ndefu Grove
Flat Ridge Rock

Right outside the Graveyard.
Hakuna Matata Falls

Timon and Pumbaa's new home. Their and Bunga's den is on a tiny island out of frame.
Big Springs
Big Ravine
The Gorge

"It's to die for..."

Five Stones
Chekundu Cliffs
Chakula Plains
Watering Hole

As seen from Pride Rock.

As seen from above.

On a rock platform in the area.
Zuberi River
Rafiki's Tree
Outlander border

Tiny area where Kiara met Kovu.

The following landmarks that haave been added in the Outlands:
Zira's Termite Mounds

Still adding more mounds. The rest of the place is underground.

Kovu's bed.


The following landmarks that haave been added in Hakuna Matata:
Tiny Oasis
Mufasa's Pool

Due to Lion Guard's depiction of the Outlands (it has a friggin' volcano in it), I won't be adding Janga's den. However, there is a cave in the Elephant graveyard that pretty much functions as a hyena hideout.

For the Pride Rock and Lair of the Lion Guard Entrance and Exit, I've hidden the portals behind backdrops, in order to give the effect that you're not just entering some random portal. I'll be planning to make backgrops of the maps in order to make the portals more obscure and immersive. Where the portals are located specifically will be marked with foilage.

The music used in the map will be both from The Lion King and Dinosaurs, both by Disney.

If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Redoing the Ga'Hoole Map
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:59:01 am »
Hi! So...

A couple years ago, I made a map based on the Guardians of Ga'Hoole's Southern Kingdom, and then had it released into the public. At first, I was proud of it, but as time drew on I began to dislike the map and wished that I had taken more time on making it. But for some reason, when I made the old map the map never lagged, despite all the detail in one concentrated area. Because of that, making the map was a fun experience.

So I'm going to do it again, and it's working just as well as the old version. No lag either.

Here are the images from the old map, showing mostly St. Aggies and the Ga'Hoole tree.

Here is a series of pictures of of the new Northern Kingdom--or at least some if it so far. Right now all my attention is being directed towards the tree itself.
The tree, as seen from the Beaks' shore.

The gate/gong, welcoming owls to the Ga'Hoole tree.

Further shot, showing the tree in the distance.

The tree using Thierry's Ga'Hoole tree mesh, retextured with another tree texture in order to "extend" the tree.

Landing strip to the dining hollow or Paliament, and several platforms.

The inside of the dining hollow.

Entrance to the owlet section of the dining hollow.

One of the many rooms in the forge.

The map has and will be so big that you can't see the end of the sea that the tree is in. There will be multiple hollows within the map, in order to increase interest in exploring.
What I'm including:
  • Music from the film, plus a few more.
  • Detailed hollows for people to roleplay outside the tree and other major areas
  • Custom-made notes and drawings
  • Written letters that are lore-friendly
  • Northern, Southern, and Middle Kingdoms
  • New landmarks that aren't canon to the story,
  • Underground caves
  • Wolves of Beyond locations*possibly*

The thing is that it's gonna take a lot of meshes. I'm using a lot of WoW meshes, so things like books and food is plentiful right now, but I will probably need meshes for things such as paper and other decorations, in order to make the map far more immersive for the average Ga'Hoole fan. So if anyone is willing to point me to more meshes or textures to improve the map, then please let me know! Suggestions are welcome, and if this goes well, I might be able to make maps of the Pridelands, while including new landmarks from The Lion Guard. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Game Help / Can't Connect to Map Server
« on: June 11, 2016, 09:22:49 am »
Hi, can someone help me?

So an hour ago, I downloaded the new FeralHeart, reset my characters, and have a good connection to the front server. Everything functions correctly. I live in the US.

But I can't connect to the map server.

If anyone can be kind enough to help, then please let me know, and I'll be very grateful. :)

Request/Find Meshes / Food Meshes and Buildings/Huts
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:39:28 pm »
Hi, can someone tell me where I can get food meshes? I know a good deal, but there are some meshes that I can't find.
And I would like to know if there are any castles or medieval buildings/huts?

Also, is there any idea if there's a .zip file for this:

Game Help / I want to be sure: FH on a Dell Laptop?
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:27:22 am »
So for Christmas my mother gave me a laptop, and it's pretty neat, and I'm getting used to it. But I want to stop lagging her PC and take my FH roleplays on the laptop, but I'm worried about how it'll work out for my laptop. I don't want it to lag, or worse, mess up, but I'm aware that FH doesn't cause viruses.
The laptop is Inspiron 3531 (Windows 8.1 with Bing) if that helps.

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