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Topics - Ka$h

Pages: [1]
Praise / Kiquaii, get your butt over here <3
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:55:02 pm »
Some of you may notice my title of a 'newbie'. I have made a new account after leaving for a long time.

This wonderful floof has given me all of the info I need (And even more. <3) and has been an extremely good friend.
Because of her being a close friend of mine (school one, uh huh.) she knew who I was instantly. As you may have noticed, she draws too. The pictures are a lot more than  amazing, really!
All the other people that need help should contact her and she would surely (I hope so. xD) help you.

I wuv ya Kiqi, we all love ya.

Introduction / I'm back floofs!
« on: May 13, 2014, 05:10:46 pm »
I am happily saying that I'm back on feralheart! I've sadly left 'bout 1 year ago (and a few months) on ma' old account 'BlueSpray' but I'm back for now.
I lost the interest to play, but not I'm not holding myself back any longer. I just found a link on facebook which suprisingly welcomed with me with the lovely page! (The registration was open a few hours ago xD)

I can finally get back to roleplaying and creating ye' all some maps!

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