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Topics - Saffreus

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Leaving / Leaving...
« on: April 12, 2016, 07:22:00 am »
Well I came back after idk 2 years from now? and it seems that stuff really did change ever since I left. I just came back today and now leaving today due to Deframing just because I was joking.

Yes I know that sounds childish but deframing actually hurts...badly...and those people who deframe others dont know how much it hurts that one person. Yes I have pictures....but im not posting them.

I would explain the rest but I actually rather not because usually GMs would usually pull be for questioning which I dont want that to really happen.

With all that said I am leaving due to deframe and problems with my insides. I've been having chest pains off and on all night and day so I have to at least get into the doctors sooner or later. Also family problems have been starting up once more so I have to take care of that before it gets out of hand once more like it did in the past. If any of you would like to speak to me I will gladly @ you on twitter or on skype/kik or whatever. Im actually going to miss all of you I really will even though like almost everyone ignores me and please try not to give me hate on this...(aka: thats internet for you. If you cant handle it get off, etc etc). Sorry for saying this GMs but...Im suicidal in real life and I ran away from home once. All I can say now is goodbye forever.

Huge shout out to Piepie and all of my other friends on Feral heart. I thank you. -Hisaye along with the rest of my characters.


Joke info so no hate: My friend said he was going up to the random whatever cliff place ramp on Bonfire island and so i said I will follow and upon that people started calling me a mate begger and he said he hated mate beggers. Since when was following someone proving I was a mate begger? Then after all that happened he then adds me and says "you can be my mate" and started saying he hates being alone and what not. After all that and being deframed in front of everyone at Bonfire Island? No thanks.

But besides that GOODBYE. Other game you may find me on is Void Elsword. Twitter: @Saffreus Kik: Lizchan8

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