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Topics - Shadowpaw666

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Any Idea?
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:56:22 pm »
Hey guys, so I was re-downloading things from Deviant Art as I had some issues with Feral Heart (It's fixed now), and I noticed some themes or skins (also known as GUI) that people have created. I was wondering how I could make my own?  :D

This is the log in :3

Game Help / Website Problem.
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:09:50 am »
Hai floofies, soo I've heard a lot of people saying that feral heart has shut down and no one is able to sign up ever again and other people are telling me that I have to keep refreshing the page at a certain time.

Is it true feral heart is no longer having registrations open?

This is also a problem since I am having to make my sister and partner share an account and it is a difficulty since I am part of a pack and they can't be on at the same time. (Unless this is possible?)

Game Help / Map Making Problem
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:07:05 am »
Whenever I create a map via Gimp (Everything is correct when I make it), as soon as I upload it to feral heart and edit it through there, water always shows around the map. I will post pictures to show you what I mean. Is it meant to look like this or is it something I'm doing wrong? If so, what do I do to stop this from happening? Please help!
(First post)

Please help *_*

Pages: [1]