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Topics - venompaw

Pages: [1] 2
Game Discussion / FH Presets all day? :)
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:14:53 am »
I thought maybe a relaxing chat about FH presets? With every thing happening presets have been keeping me calm. XD So maybe we could all just talk about the favorite preset you made? Or your first? IDK Anything to keep are minds off the chaos.  Not sure if this would go here though.

-W.I.P- Also Any thing written in Rp will be brought all into a book. :)

Presets & Markings / Oak Takes preset requests.
« on: September 10, 2015, 03:26:49 pm »

Request done! Fox-Fawn Glow

Black Tabby -Lightingwind Request done.
None really.

(Picture preferred)

|:|Wandering Many Paths.(Wmp)|:|


Mapped, Realistic, Sited, Plotted, Long-Term. I want to be realistic, and Tong-Term were new, and looking for people. We are the four man clans. We live at the lake, and also were at the original lake map! Also we are privately mapped. Fun, and like family were all friends here. :)


> Posting
I want at the very least 3 sentences per post. Understand we are literate.

> Power Playing
None of this. I hate power playing as much as other people. So no, "He rammed into the she-cat nocking her over, and he delivered the killing blow." Nope. That is not only power-playing, but you must ask to kill someone's character/terribly wound them. Also the leader of the being killed character must know.

> God-Moding
I don't want this either. No controlling other peoples characters unless they say so.

> Bulling
I don't enjoy this, and I better not find any one doing this. I agree that sometimes people are just messing around, but Think 'bout the feelings of others.

> Clan Hopping
Nope. You stay in the clan you join no matter what.

> 4 clan cats
You may have four cats. You can make then clan, Loner, Kitty-pet ECT.

> post cutting
This can be done as long as you are not speaking to that person, or persons.

> Gatherings
You May go to these, but leaders may take only 7 clan members not including Medicine cat, Deputy, and Medicine cat apprentice. Also General Chat will be for leaders at this time.

> Other clans territories
You may not travel through other territories unless you gain permission IC & OCC.

> Drama
I don't want to see your character falling into a river every 7 minutes. Also please ask before doing something of this such.

> Apprentices & Mentors
Are only to be announced by the leader.

> Realism
names, and fur colors/patterns must be realistic. Go to are naming guide...LINk will be here.

> Breeds.
No Bengals/Hybrids of big cats. No pure breeds unless your character is 100% kitty pet.

> Items
Your cat may not have any Items on its body, but in its nest it may cats are known to collect things. Like Mink collects kits(Not really he collects peoples souls, ad hearts.)
Kitty Pets can have collars.

> Mates & Kits
You may not beg for a mate, and queens may have up to 8 kits....Even though Mink Loves children.

Head Admin: Venompaw/Oaky=Minkstar
Co-Admin: Open
Mod: Open
Mod: Open


Deputy: snaketail
Medcat: Open
We won't get other ranks till these are filled.

Deputy: Open
Medcat: Open
We won't get other ranks till these are filled.

Deputy: Open
Medcat: Open
We won't get other ranks till these are filled.

Deputy: Open
Medcat: Open
We won't get other ranks till these are filled.



In-Game name:
Character name:
A Fight starts what do you do?
Someone breaks are top rule! What do you do?
Position you want:
Active Level:
Rp Sample:

High Rank
In-Game name:
Character name:
Active level:
RP Sample:

Request a Preset/Marking / Can some one please make a preset fro me?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:09:00 pm »
Ok I will put I a picture o her but I would like the markingg's to be realistic (I want it for a realistic cat rp.)

Request Maps / Needing a pride map
« on: August 09, 2014, 05:13:19 pm »
I want it look like Africa with a stream running through it and some animals with a pride rock.

Request Other Mods/Creations / Any glass textures?
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:14:25 pm »
Well I need some glass textures if that's a thing for a test tube for my lab map and when the tubes are done I will put them up for download.

Request Maps / Village map needed
« on: July 18, 2014, 11:45:42 pm »
Ok i need someone  to make me a group map. The map is denese forest and a mouitan rang with a clearing and a village.

Request Maps / In need of a warrior cat map!
« on: July 09, 2014, 05:34:11 pm »
If you want to make it just say so and will give you the details.

Game Help / All my maps are gone, help!
« on: July 06, 2014, 12:17:32 am »
Ok so all the maps i downloaded have gone out of no were.I then went on my mapped charie and it was all black flat ground, no nothing.

Please help me.

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