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Topics - LW115

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / Mane Preset, How too add to game?
« on: January 18, 2017, 05:24:24 pm »
Hello everyone.

I just have one simple question.

Ive managed to puzzle together my own mane preset. So my question is, how do I export ONLY the mane for use in the game?
I have seen pictures on google with a complete vanilla/original FH character but with a preset mane, thats what Im after. I do not want to have to make an entire body preset just so my mane isnt on a white blob.

So how do I export only the mane preset so its available to use on any character? Right now when I click "export" what I get in game is my mane preset, on a white blob.

Any help would be appreciated. ^^

Game Help / Map Help - New Rock Not Visible
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:52:25 pm »
Hello everyone.

So I just need help with a small issue. I have a map Ive worked on now and then when I felt like it. With the huge update Feral Heart got this summer I decided to update the map.
Change the trees to the new better looking kind, change the terrain etc. But I have one problem with the new rocks. Specifically the Cliff2, it will not appear on the map.

Allow me to clarify. In-game in the public worlds everything works fine. But when I in-game go on my map that rock does not appear. In map builder it does. And its not that all the new rocks wont appear or work. Its only that rock, Cliff2 that just wont show. Ive tried a lot. Export it again, restart the game. Save and export that rock to a different group in object maker. Nothing has worked so far.

So a little help with this please. It would be much appreciated. :)

Game Help / Gate Coordinates Help
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:06:33 pm »
Hey everyone.

So Im making this map and I got some structures, mounts, plateaus and such. Im trying to place a portal on one of them but I always end up right beneath where I wanna be, or inside the structure. So the question I have, which letter, XYZ Yaw, determines height? Aka how high in the air you are.

Ive been trying to fix this one portal for ages, so someone please help.

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