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Topics - UnoChaser

Pages: [1]
Game Help / How to take a picture?
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:33:42 am »
 :D Just wondering how do you take a pic of the game?

Characters / Uno's characters
« on: July 28, 2014, 12:22:32 am »
My characters :I will try to upload pictures in an update

Home:Bonfire Island
Personality:Uno is a very kind shy wolf husky mix,she is very quiet around others but will help a friend in need of help.She can be very cheerful
Bio:Uno was the runt in her litter of 4.She was always picked on by her 3 older brothers,her dad almost killed her but her mom gave her life to save her.While her brothers were playing her dad dropped her in a river and she barely made it,and she lived alone and never saw her family again.She found a wolf named SnowStorm while traveling through the south pole,and it was love at first sight.

Home:Flourite Plains
Personality:Snake has learned one thing in her life,be tough.She is mean to everyone around her and is a drama queen.Her only friend is herself,She will always cause fights and thinks nobody is tougher than her.
Bio:Snake never knew her parents,she was adopted by a lion pride and was treated like family.One day when she was a cub she caught in a fight with bigger cubs from another pride.She was injured really bad and the other cubs in her pride would laugh at her.When she was a teen she killed one of the other young lions in the pride and was banished.

Home:south pole
Personality:SnowStorm is a very brave wolf,though he can be a snob a lot of times.He will think he's better than others and brag about it.He will be a bully to young ones but never  too rough.He is an excellent skilled hunter.
Bio:SnowStorm was born in the south pole as an only child he never knew his father,he was trained well and would hunt along his mom.He soon left to join another pack when his mother died,But when he found a pack he was rejected.But after that he found his first love Uno.

Hope you guys like it :D

Game Help / Incorrect user/password?
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:02:43 pm »
When I type in my username and password it says incorrect username or password  :o what do I do?

Introduction / Hello everyone
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:40:00 pm »
Hello everyone it's great to finally be here on Feral heart  ;D you all seem very helpful and nice i'm new to feral heart but i'm sure i'll get used to it  ;)

Game Help / game trouble
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:37:25 pm »
I'm having trouble with opening the game because whenever I open if up my computer says it has stopped working
 :'(  also i'm new to feral heart

Pages: [1]