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Topics - Tanoren

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Game Help / Graphics not showing up- Avatar loading but nothing else
« on: July 22, 2016, 05:49:29 pm »
Hello. :) I'm trying to play FH again after not playing in yeeears. I didn't know my old account info on my old inaccessible email so I just signed up again a few months back.

So I log in, and get this.

I remember it having graphics panning around.

None here either. :(

And this is what happens.

I did reset the home (as this and 2 others were characters from when I created the account pre-update).

I tried both the torrent and the web download.
My graphics card is up to date and relatively new- bought this laptop a few months ago new. Everything else works fine for me.

What is happening and how can I fix it?

Thank you in advance. :)

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