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Topics - freckledFins

Pages: [1]
Introduction / yoo how's kicks, kids
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:32:10 am »
i'm freckledFins and I go by "Feri"
i'm a trashy asexual shark kid who sits at home and draws, plays video games, and lurks the internet.
I like homestuck, welcome to night vale, gravity falls, space dandy, greasers, sharks, dead things, blood n gore, sharks, and gay ships.
on FH you can find me being awkward and wandering and getting lost. I use a hyena-like character called Feri and a big black dog with a metal thing on it's face called Padfoot. I swear I will attempt to interact with you if you address me please talk to me if you see me i'm nice and chill //i'm so lonely//

but yeah go ahead and talk to me and stuff, i'd love to meet you cool cats ovo

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