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Topics - .Metroid.

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Introduction / A Greeting From Beyond The Stars
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:14:20 am »
This is my very first time logging in. Better introduce myself while I'm still fresh (or I'm bound to procrastinate this until I've played for at least a year).

So... Hello! My username's Metroid, but you guys can call me "Droid" if you feel like it. I enjoy a lot of video games, working with computers, robotics, and reading anthology books. Some of my favorite bands/artists are Steam Powered Giraffe, The Arctic Monkeys, Caravan Palace, Miike Snow, Foster The People, I MONSTER, Radiohead and David Bowie, to name a few.

Recently, I found out about this game, Feral Heart, through a forum I frequent and was automatically eagerly awaiting for registration to open, so that I could join. I really enjoy role-playing online (through forums or chat rooms most of the time) so I was excited to see one based on animals. To see a game revolving around chat rp in general was a new concept to me. I'd also looked at some of the presets and mods people have made for the game, and really wanted to be a part of this creative, interesting community. After a few days, I finally stumbled on to an open spot, and so here I am!

I'm currently downloading the game as we speak, and am very excited to give Feral Heart a try. I hope to make at least a couple of friends and rp partners during my time here, and perhaps in the future contribute my own content to the game as well in the form of presets or items, to share.

In the meantime though, I'm curious to know of any popular mods or maps that might be available to download. I have heard of the Pawesome Items Pack, and that's the first thing on my list to download. Would anybody have any other recommendations for a player starting out here?

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