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Topics - GlasGalahad

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / GlasGalahad's Presets!
« on: October 15, 2017, 06:08:29 am »
So, after the unfortunate events that led to my losing all my files, (and my first real preset,
which wasn't finished yet,) I've started making a second one! I'll be e-mailing myself the files this time, in case my computer crashes again.

Here's what I've gotten done so far- I'm retaining the painterly style from my first attempt.
Also, the texture is a free one (I can't remember who made it,) and I'm simply using it as a visual aid.
This fellow is entitled 'Sea Glass!'

Baron Leu'vo, the Haiti-to-New Orleans Voudo Priest
My second preset, and one I quickly did for Halloween! A much more 'realistic' one, I guess?
I really tried to focus on more visceral and historically accurate/realistic imagery- the decaying skin and flesh being a direct connection to the Haitian Voudo respect and reverence for the dead.

Third preset is in progress, and it's my first fan-art one!
Trico, from The Last Guardian!
I'm trying out hand-painted textures for this one, let me know if it looks ok? Trico is certainly difficult to paint!

Presets & Markings / Preset WIP!
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:33:58 am »
So, I'm making my first preset!
I've always loved the less realistic, painterly style... what d'you guys think?

Note- the base I'm using is a free feline texture by Toxic Red Wolf

Introduction / ~Hello Hobbitses!~
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:10:10 am »

Greetings from Middle Earth!

Hello! My name is Tauchawee, but on here if you'd like, (because let's be honest- it's a bit of a mouthful), you can call me Tau for short! You can find me on both the Azoptaos and Dragon's Den Impressive World servers. I'm very friendly, so don't be afraid to strike up a conversation! No worries, I don't bite!

Here's a little background information about myself, if you're curious-
~I'm an artist who typically draws owls. Lot's of 'em.
~I'm usually pretty laid-back and whatevs
~I'm a pretty advanced RP'er

Heh, I can't think of anything else at the present time...I'll probably come up with more later.
Anyways, Hello!

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