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Topics - LastingLegacy

Pages: [1]
Game Help / FH Crashes everytime I start up. Someone please Help!
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:47:02 am »
Hi there.

I've been playing FH on my dad's computer for a while and it worked flawlessly, his computer is a i5 laptop and is currently running Windows 8.1. But recently I bought a tablet, also running Windows 8.1 with Atoms. I then transferred the whole FH file from my dad's computer to the tablet, but then FH crashes everytime it starts up. I then did a clean uninstall and
installed FH from the official site again, but still it crashed everytime!
I then messed around with the compatibility settings and tried Windows XP SP2 and SP3 , then Win 7, but still nothing works! I also check the particles folder, and I reinstalled DirectX as well(DirectX 11).
What should I do? Someone please help me!!!

Introduction / A Legacy that is Long Lasting
« on: December 15, 2014, 01:48:45 pm »
Hello FeralHeart! My name is Legacy, or call me by my IGN, Ignis. Actually I'm quite new to FeralHeart(I just got my account yesterday, before the registration closed, which I considered myself lucky :P), and would really like some advice from some older members of FH to get me started. For example, are there RPs inside the game itself? I hope that I could have a great time with you guys!

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