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Topics - Bloodbound

Pages: [1]
Request a Preset/Marking / Wolf Preset Request
« on: August 25, 2015, 05:42:09 pm »
Hello! It's Zulu here, and I need a preset for my beloved wolf, Cecilia.
Since I'm absolutely terrible at making them on my own, I would love it if someone else could help me out here.


The markings on her without a preset is Border Collie, with the pelt being black (18,18,18, or maybe darker, but still able to see the fur,) and the markings/underfur being white. She has the "flame" mane, which is also black, and her eyes are piercing gold.

With the preset, I'd like you to make three scars (parallel) going from her mid-back down and kind of diagonal towards her stomach. Other scars, such as small ones, but still visible ones, can be around her neck, and her paws.

If one eye could be noticeably dimmer than the other, that would be appreciated.

If you could put different shading of the black on her back, and possible some areas (blurred in with the rest) can be "dirty?" Her mane should have a little maroon in it, too.

If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask!

Character credits go to BloodBound.

Request Maps / Wolf Pack Private Map (Needed!)
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:41:41 pm »
Hello! For a while now, I've been thinking of creating a wolf roleplay for Feral Heart. Yet, my only problem is that I can't make a map. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could, in fact, create a private map for me.

This roleplay takes place in Michigan, yet I'd like versions of the map that are seasonal, if possible. If not, Summer/Winter would be great.

It would be a large map, with jagged mountain/hills, a small lake, a few streams now and then, and a thick forest covering the entire thing. I would be absolutely and forever grateful if you could put as many details as possible. I'd also appreciate a densite- perhaps, behind a waterfall?

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

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