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Topics - Ember24

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Discussion Board / Site Link
« on: January 22, 2012, 12:24:48 am »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / My List Of Ideas
« on: April 28, 2011, 11:18:28 pm »
I hope these are worth it, I was thinking about them in match class and my teacher's all like "ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?!"
So here they are.

Character Collision
Maybe so characters can touch each other. This might be a problem if someone was in a tree, and someone jumped up and pushed them off. But I think we can live with that. Also useful for a dance totem!
Messages Above Heads
Sort of like in IT when we typed something it would appear above our heads. This could be optional and you could turn it off whenever you wanted. I use this because I don't bother to see who's typing in the chatbox. I just run to a random person and they're like: "Who the hell are you?"
Lip Sync In-Game
Having lip sync in game instead of just for movies. I use this to record awesome videos and such. The movies are good, but its hard when other people are talking. It could have the option to be turned off
Tooth Colour
I dunno about anyone else, but some of my characters have coloured teeth and I'm not very good at making presets, maybe we could have the ability to colour our chops?
Falling To Leaping
I had this idea that if someone jumped off a cliff, they'd had their back pointing to the sky. If someone just randomly fell, they'd be belly-up. This is a more difficult one, and not very good D:
EDIT: Fight Stance
Again, like IT when you pressed "F" there was a fight stance. We won't need to fight, so its not really needed to have fight movements and such, but just the stance is a good idea.
Ability To Run in F3
Sometimes I like to take faraway run scene pictures, and I can only do that in F3, so maybe we can rotate the cam with the arrow keys and be able to run with WASD.
How Many Members?
Maybe a special icon/button that you can click that shows the FH maps and how many members. There can be a thing for "OTHER" which is other custom-maps.
-Half [Body, Head, Tail]
((No Image))
-Calico [Body, Head]

-Full [Head, Body, Tail]
((No Image))

Thank you for reading, I hope some of these ideas will be noticed!

Screenshots / My Screenies (Holidays Included :3)
« on: April 02, 2011, 09:08:46 pm »
I probably would have a LOT more screenshots but we got a new computer so I have only a few. But just today I decided to run around as the "Easter Bunny" and spread holiday cheer.

And then the connection failed.
Me and my mate having a dramatic scene above the ficho tunnel entrance in flourite.

That's all for now until the connection comes back :3

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Desperate Cry For REQUEST.
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:56:25 pm »
Yes, I am being greedy I have like ten pics of Diablo... but I need moarrrrr :3

So if anyone is willing to draw me a Diablo or his brother or his mate... xD I post his piccehs here. And any preferred pictures? Um... Diablo alone being all serious and blah blah... Diablo fighting his brother....Diablo cheerfully with his mate? Or his brother threatening his mate. Or anything dif is fine.

This be Diablo

-Also adding that he has a silver earring stud on his right ear, and a sapphire necklace.

This be his brother, Dotrus

-Also adding four silver studs on his left ear and silver rings on his tail

This be Diablo's mate, Pandora. Yes I'm a drama kitteh....

-She actually has white bangs that cover her right eye and a blue feather behind her ear

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