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Topics - marvelsterian

Pages: [1]
Game Help / 16 characters rule
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:38:14 pm »
Hola there

So this isn't like the most important question ever, but I'm just veeeeery curious ;-;

I know there is a 16 characters rule, meaning you shouldn't have more than 16 characters on your account and I always keep it below 16, actually below 10 but that doesn't really matter.

The question is, what happens if you have like 20 characters? Is this gonna cause your game to crash or does it bans you or does it deletes something? I just would like to know ^^

Game Help / Making someone a preset
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:24:48 pm »
Ello you floofies out there *^*

Lately I was wondering how you can actually give someone a preset so they can use it as their own. I would like to know how this actually works. And I heard you need to give them the file via Skype? True? And if so, what to do if a person does not have Skype?
(Too many questions I know.... ;_;)

Thanks already cx

Pages: [1]