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Topics - Lexiloofroo7

Pages: [1]
Request Maps / Wings of Fire map
« on: August 24, 2016, 03:04:47 am »
I am looking for a map maker. I need a map, height & a mask, seasons & weather.. the whole shebang. I don't have anything in particular, In fact, I don't even have a map or anything. All I need is a map with many underground hideouts, dens, and little places to hide. What I'm looking for is quite similar to Seaside grove. Please Pm me, I check my box daily. I am really desperate here, gone through like 6 map makers in the last 6-8 months. If you are worried the map wouldn't be put to good use, check my site! I set everything up while I had a map maker, and then he/she said that they were no longer doing that. Site:

I need more dragons for my group. if you are interested, contact me. I rarely visit this site, but I am on the game often. My Website is here

- Needing a map Maker. Msg me if you can make good maps -

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