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Topics - Senpai.

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Request/Find Meshes / Apocalyptic meshes needed
« on: March 22, 2018, 12:19:48 pm »
Mostly for buildings and textures. Like. you don't really want to rp in a apoc city were all the buildings look new. I mean you can, but they would look nicer in ruins. The map is kinda Tokyo Jungle themed.

I need
Any like ruined and run down textures. with mesh or can be applied to mesh in game.
Train or bus mesh. Has to be able to enter it, other wise pretty useless for a camp.
Ruined buildings. Textures or mesh.

Not asking for much really. But I really want those textures in the Apawcalypse maps. Ive tired in game to place them on buildings, but its impossible without having the original files.

I honesty do not care for anything that is not listed above. So I would appreciate it if people reading this didn't post stuff I do not want under this thread. If I really needed more, I'll add to this list or find it myself.

Yes thats right. Special genetics! Also kinda Niche like. But as warrior cats. This is vastly different from the usual normal Warrior cat rps.

We are literate, wip mapped, semi real to real, sited, discorded, seeking staff and high ranks. Now onto info about the clans.

When the world was made there was a cat god. Who had very unique and strange stuff going on about them. They birthed many cats. The ones that stuck out the most were, the kits with wings and could soar though the sky. The kit born with great horns and would topple most enemy's. The kit with scales of that of a fish and could swim and breath underwater. And the kit were nothing about them stood out, aside from the fact it has no special genetic makeup.

Ridgeclan cats are the smallest of the cats. The biggest they get is about the size of a normal cat. They have hollow bones and their claws are talons that do not retract. Very dangerous toe beans.
Their the snobs. Rejecting to life on the ground and making fun of all other clans for doing so. They would very rarely welcome outsiders into their clan. And they prefer to be pure blooded and not mix with anything else.
Their coats consist of a mix of fur and feathers. Some Ridgeclanners have beaks while others a normal cat mouth. 50/50 chance really.
These cats would suffer greatly in winter. If flying in winter carelessly, their wings will collect ice and they fall and be unable to fly if they survive the landing.

To show they want to be mates with another cat. They would go up and fight a bird of prey and bring it back to show their love to the receiver. The more dangerous the bird of prey and more impressed they will be.

Stormclan cats are the cats with the largest builds. And they are the hairiest.
Their coats consist of fur, and alot of it. There is also a 50/50 chance for cats born in this clan to have hoofs instead of paws.
Thanks to these cats large build and fluffy attire they suffer in the Summer heat.
Unlike all the other clans, Storm have a mating season. Mid-winter. Here the male can will confess his love to a male/female. Upon happening the male will first have to fight deer or goat style with all other rivals. Than face the father(If available). If he wins he gets the heart of the one he fought for. Only if they say yes. If the father is unlivable the Deputy or Leader of the clan will replace them in battle.

Their the nimblest of the clans. Able to swim up to great bursts of speed. Their sizes may vary, from small to large. There consist of two types of Mercats. Ones who have back legs and can walk on land. The second having no back legs and will move very slowly on land. 50/50 chance that they have lungs and gills and can breath air. But they can dry up if the are outside of the water, which can be dangerous to their well being.
Their coats consist of water proof fur and fish scales. Their scales can consist of many colors. Mimicking the colors of other fish, their main source of food.
Like Ridge, these cats also suffer in winter as the rivers will be frozen. The Ocean they live in will not however.
Their a close nit family and look out for each other.
The only way outsiders are able to join this clan is if they can breath under water like they can.
These cats have a way to show their love. Giving a Rainbow shell to a cat means they want to be their mate. It is up the the receiver to accept or not.
These cats lay eggs

Nothing really big and important about them. Stupid normies.
Only two things of interest they have. One being that they are somehow able to live a normal normie life with their crazy neighbors. Second being they are cursed. Yes cursed, no its not contagious. If a Mossclan cat was born from a parent of a Mossclan cat and a cat with a special genetic, all kits will come out with no genetics.
These cats tend to be the butt of the other clans jokes. And are looked down upon. But these underdogs are here to survive.
Their personality's are of the strong type. Never caring much of what the other clans think of them.

I you choose to play a outsider, you can have the option to give them a genetic. One that is already in the rp, or you can add one. Nothing like poison claws and fangs.
If adding a special genetic, talk to staff first about it.
If you outsider does have a genetic not in the rp and does have a mate. There is a 50/50 chance for that genetic to be passed to offspring. That said offspring can get its own mate and pass it off, maybe making it an official genetic in the game that can mingle in the clans.

If you are indeed interested in this rp, for wanting to be high rank of staff, we do have a discord you can join.

Request Other Mods/Creations / Advanced preset detail maker needed!
« on: December 19, 2016, 03:20:11 pm »
I'm willing to pay with DA points if anyone is willing to take this up. Its rather detailed and I can wait.

Ref pic(Sorry its kinda small^^'):

And I would like the eyes to look like this:

Thank you for your time

Request Maps / 4 seasonal maps (Closed)
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:39:51 pm »
No longer desired. I'll make them seeing as no one else will. -_-

Request a Preset/Marking / Wolf Play Game presets plz? *Closed*
« on: August 07, 2015, 01:56:57 pm »
I found 3 of the most beautifully wolves in Wolf play the game i could find. And I must have there presets.

Preset name: Red
Preset folder: 11

Preset name: ~Xephyr~
Preset folder: 10

Preset name: Moon
Preset Folder: 9

I can make presets, But im bad at it. I cant do fur textures at all. So they always turn out flat and toony.

Other Mods/Creations / Anime Music
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:48:08 pm »
I turned my music into anime songs, cause i was bored listening to old FH music.

Caves1 -  Soul Eater op 1

Caves2 - Black Cat op 1

Caves3 - AOT op 1

Caves4 - Pokmeon op 1 english

Caves5 - Caramelldansen (Cause why not?)

Plains1 - Fairy Tail op 1

Plains2 - Full metal alchemist brotherhood op 1

Plains3 - Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of The East op 2

Plains4 - Naruto op Fighting Dreamers

Plains5 - Naruto Shippuden op 1

Plains6 - One piece op 1

Plains7 - One piece op 15 (Ace died around this part of the anime *Drowns every one in waves of feelz* ;_;)

Plains8 - Bleach op 1

Plains9 - Fairy Tail main theme

Plains10 - Wolf's Rain op

Plains11 - Law of Ueki op 1

Plains12 - AOT op 1

Plains13 - Caramelldansen

Title - Clear's Jellyfish song (<3)

If you have not seen any of these animes i suggest you watch them, mainly Hakkenden, ive met like 3 other ppl who have seen this wonderful anime I love in FH.
Also dont comment below like weeaboo comments. 1. its really rude. 2. i bet you dont know the ture meaning and never looked it up, and 3. I might kill you in the future if you say it to me and ill block ya.

Download linky:

Presets & Markings / Starclan preset! Free!!
« on: July 20, 2015, 08:10:14 pm »
Yes. I have made a starclan preset. Since i could not find one I made one.

Download it here!

If you want to see it first before downloading it here:

Request Maps / Map making (Closed)
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:13:03 pm »
I'm Closeing this shop. Why? Well ive been having problems with FH for a bit. I might take map requests every now and then, but not on here.

Other Mods/Creations / Funny sounds x'3
« on: July 15, 2015, 02:39:47 pm »
I replaced some of the FH sounds to diffrent ones.

Click - quick fart

Run- Derp song plays

Walk- more farts

Howl- Windy fart

Roar- fart

Being in the water - AOT opening 1

This is a must download and its so funny x'D


Btw these go in the Sound files

Request a Preset/Marking / Like plz
« on: July 09, 2015, 07:24:17 pm »
Is there like no experienced preset maker that takes free requests? And before you ask. Yes I looked at the forum with the presets shops. Half of them are inactive the other half not experienced. This includes invisible parts, but dont close out yet just cause you cant do that. There's this video on well youtube that shows how to make presets with invisible parts if you didn't go to YT for preset making. I'll post it so you dont have to go scrolling around trying to find it. Now to my presets.

FH user: DancingKibbens
Char names: Mitz
Preset folder: 2
Mane and Wings: No wings and mane black
Extra: Entire front left leg invisible.

Char name: Spot
Preset Folder: 3
Mane and Wings: No wings and mane orange and White
Extra: Entire front right leg invisible.

Plz someone accept. Been looking for months for someone to make these presets. If no one takes them, then ima assume you cant do it, dont care, or you want to be paid.

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