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Topics - Sethree

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Chat window glitch!
« on: August 04, 2016, 08:09:19 am »
So, explaining the problem. One day i opened my Feral Heart and guess what i saw? The inner side of the login window is transparent. I shrugged it off, logged in, and realised that all the popping out FH windows are transparent on the inside. I, still confused, chose an avatar and clicked "play". After a loading screen i saw that the chat window, like all the other ones, is transparent. The problem didn't go away after 3 days of playing. Right now the glitch just annoys me because now i can barely see conversations in the Local chat. If anybody knows how to fix this, please reply.

Game Help / In need of preset info
« on: July 31, 2016, 04:29:26 pm »
Hello to whoever is reading this topic. I am a newbie on the creative side of FeralHeart. I want to start making presets, but i've got some things that aren't clear to me...
First of all: I don't really understand how to make presets in Paint Tool Sai.
Second: I want to make some presets without ears or eyelids, but i don't know how to get rid of them.
If anyone can help me, please, reply to this topic.  :D

Site/Forum Help / Text under the pic...
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:09:53 am »
Alright, lemme explain it. I'm a bit new at the forum because i spent most of my time in the game. But now, since my hard drive died and i cannot play it anymore, i decided to go on the forum. I edited my profile a bit, but i still can't figure out one thing. A lot of people have text under their icons. I want one too, but idk how to get it. R.I.P. xD

Site/Forum Help / Floof-o-Meter?
« on: April 28, 2016, 10:51:02 am »
I've been wondering, what Floof-o-Meter means and how to fill it. Just wondering. Anyone help me? x3

Game Help / I Can't Open The Game
« on: April 28, 2016, 10:02:51 am »
I've tried opening FH for a long time, but every time i open it... After OGRE Engine Rendering Setup, when i click "Okay" the opened FH stands for like 2.4 seconds and then a window that says: "Feral Heart.exe stopped working" and i get two choices that are: "Close app" and "Search solution of the problem on the Internet and close the app". And even if i click the secong one, it just closes FH without doing anything. My friend says that it's a problem with my computer, but i want to ask people who actually can help. If you can help me, i would really appriciate it. If this is really a computer problem than i'll ask my dad to do something about it. Well anyways, please help me if you can!

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