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Art Gallery / Juxta Arts! (Requests are closed)
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:01:16 pm »
Just some art I did recently/am proud of.
Might end up doing requests soon, who knows!
edit: I'm opening up requests for a short time~ just fill in the form.

Character Name:
DA Username: (if you have one)
Type: (specify if you want a headshot or full body)
Character: (Ref or screenie, either is fine)
Other Details:

SLOT 1: Kynvuu
SLOT 2: Ny
SLOT 3: Baine
SLOT 4: Josey
SLOT 5: Shira
SLOT 6: Cale

I'll be reopening requests once I get this batch done.

For now i'm not doing complex backgrounds since i'm not very good at them yet.
You can find all of these and more if you check out my Deviant Art.

Why should you join Forsaken Lore?
? We're Literate!
                     ? Although we're literate, we are accepting of most individuals. We're happy to help you learn if needed. Overall, we post pretty lengthy - so one liners wouldn't be appreciated.
? We're beautifully mapped!
                     ? Our map is detailed, calming, and just overall peaceful. The map includes: The main map, with a town and bright colorful meadow. The Maze, very long and complicated - if you complete it you get a prize!. And Frozen Lore, an evil frigid land with spooky dead bodies.
? We're friendly!
                     ? Ever had those uptight and strict RP leaders? Well this isn't the one. We try our best to make eachother laugh, and uptight antics won't be tolerated.
? We're accepting!
                     ? Yes! This is a fantasy roleplay, the possibilities are limitless! Keep your character at their best - don't worry about change. Wings and neon colors are allowed (as long as you aren't too overbearing of course).
? We're sited!
                     ? I work hard to make this roleplay look at pleasing as possible. Do me a favor and check out the site! (Located down below)
? We're mature!
                     ? Yes, yes. You don't have to censor yourself on my watch! So please know that mature events as well as mild swearing may happen in character. But please, keep it in the map! No need to have disrespect in public!
? We're plotted!
                     ? I have a backstory for Forsaken Lore, and it's pretty unique! Make sure you check out the site for further information. If you're looking for a fantasy RP hosted by large wolves, centaurs, and humans. This is the one for you~

Interested? That's fantastic! You can do one of two things:
?. Fill out the form and enter it below
Character Name:
Ref Of Character: (If you have one!)
Small RP Sample:
?. Contact Me!
Note me on DeviantArt:
Whisper me in game: Juxtaposed

Have a wonderful day!

I've spent weeks on my sites and plots - there's so much thought that goes into the roleplays I host. But when recruiting time comes around, I may get 20-something members - but only 2 are actually active? Am I doing something wrong?

They're always literate, every member SEEMS to be interested - but they never show up again for some reason...
It sort of brings me down, and makes my motivation way way low. Any suggestions on how to make a roleplay likable and interesting enough for people to stick around and actually have fun?

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