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Topics - BadAssJeff

Pages: [1]
Introduction / What took ya'll so long?
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:15:50 am »
Hey guys, i've just joined FeralHeart. Well not just joined but started to come back and roleplay! If you feel like roleplaying with me just send me a whisper on FH if i'm online. Or contact me on the forum ^-^ Lobster out~

Member Bio & Journals / Rykers lil' old Journal
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:39:38 am »
* Insert Picture Of Mwah Here *
Name ? Ryker Yvonne Sowe
Gender ? Female
Age ? 15 years, 9 months
Job ? Desired job to become an artist or a vet
Pets? I have a Taffy horse [black with a grey-goldish] mane. I also have 2 dogs, a black and white border collie and a brown and white border collie. Including a pet Tarantula.
Body modifications? I have a few tats. A howling wolf on my left arm and a snarling wolf on the other, a little ~ on each of my fingers.
Siblings ? I have a younger brother, a baby sister and an annoying 13 year old brother.
Strengths ? I can actually run quite fast so that'd be one of my strengths, passion for foam.
Weaknesses ? I can't swim, that's such a bummer. I never really got taught so that's a problem.
Injuries ? I actually have a few scars, a few scars on my legs and stitches in my arms from getting bullied when I was 11, getting big nails through me.
Extra ? I like to wear short/medium jeans along with a leather jacket with any kind of beanies. I also like to wear nerd glasses, or people call them ''3D Glasses''. I like to play Feral Heart, Heromice and tend to go on Animal Jam to achieve DA points.
Extra ? You may call me Lobster or Jeff.
Extra ? I'm fairly new to Feralheart and biography/journal writing.

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