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Topics - Detective Harpther

Pages: [1]
Screenshots / Fluorite Plains #PrayForParis Event Screenies!
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:59:48 pm »
Yesterday on the 17th November 2015, the leader of Roaring Phantoms, Pierce (me) organised himself and his pride to show their support for France's current situation and the loss they are suffering from. The pride has Group-chat discussions of ways that people should be handling the situation, and we then talked to everyone in Local at Stone Bridge and many people became participants of the event.
Due to this, I have decided to post the screenshots I have taken to say THANK YOU! to everyone who helped us have a good time and show as much support as possible.
This event was also hosted in regards to a very close friend of mine who lives in Paris, and although was not harmed during the bombing, was terrified of the future, and when she came over to Stone Bridge, everyone who was taking part showed their love to her; and set her in happy tears, so I also personally THANK YOU! for that as well.
Please enjoy the screenshots, and anyone who also has some (I do recall one member making a video too!) from yesterday can post it below.


Special thanks to Shadowtooth, who has posted a screenshot on his tumblr, and also thanks to those who looked and shared that image and liked it, it really means a lot! <3
Shadow's tumblr post of the event can be seen here:

I would also like to point out; that today KayFeral, who also hosted a #PrayForParis event on Sunday, will be hosting a #PeaceOnEarth event today, so that the whole world is given respect because Paris is not the only country in need of great support, others are suffering tragically as well! The event will be taking place at Fluorite Plains, at Stone Bridge.

Game Discussion / Bonfire Island - Different sections
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:59:34 am »
I am not entirely sure if this has been mentioned at all; but has anyone noticed the different sections of Bonfire?

There are:

  • The TLK roleplayers - apparently only allowed at the "Priderock" area
  • The Literate roleplayers - mostly hang around near the water with all the miscellaneous so they can discuss and have constant arguments/wars over realism and literacy.
  • The mate beggars - always hang around the middle of Bonfire, waiting for the love of their life or Mate Centre.

I dislike the way people treat others thought. "The Literate roleplayers" always seem to show such disrespect and hatred to The Lion King fans, and argue with mate beggars and neons. I'm sorry if I sound rude but honestly, can't they keep their mouth shut when they know they're just going to cause such mayhem with what they say? They're always so passive-aggressive and they say others have a bad attitude and need to "think before they speak" but they themselves clearly don't think first either. It's a constant war.

Does anyone else not approve of the different "groups" and "sections" of Bonfire Island, or is it just me? I think people over there just need to chill out a bit, and take a moment to remember that they were (possibly) also like them, RPing TLK and making occasional neon characters or running around looking for a mate. We're all going to have funny moments when we're slightly inexperienced with the game, and I think the experience members in Bonfire Island should be just a bit more considerate.

Anyway, I apologise greatly if I'm about to cause one massive debate, but I had to voice my opinion on it. What's YOUR opinion?

Introduction / Greetings FeralHeart
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:23:53 am »
Why howdy there partners!

Well, my name is Harpther.... Woolsey Harpther.
I may not be James Bond or Sherlock Holmes, but I do dare say I'm just as amazing!
What can I say? I'm just too dolphin-flipping fabulous that I'm 007 and Holmes combined together, aye?
Before I brag on about my amazing...ness. I'd like to say that I'm looking forward to meeting and greeting everyone in this community, and I can't wait to venture into the wilderness!

I will admit that I lack communication skills and I'm more of an observant person that thinks before he speaks, and I would advise not trying to create a full conversation with me as I can get easily distracted and most of the time can not think of anything to say that will be easy to reply to.
Sometimes with the people I talk to I will intend on being weird and talking about other things. But that doesn't mean I'm crazy or hyperactive at all, I just can't stick to one topic.

Anyway, I'm going to leave this introduction short and jazzy.

So, if you need me to investigate on a crime scene; call me!

Kind regards,
Detective Woolsey Harpther.

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