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Topics - RimpaTDE

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Help With Presets?
« on: December 03, 2015, 06:50:27 pm »
I have tried looking for things but I can't seem to find the stuff I need from tutorials, but I might be missing them as I am bad at reading long texts.
What I'm asking is:
Can you have two different codes on a single body part, in my case semi-transparent and glow markings around body? How about full transparent and glow markings?
How do I make certain part of the body semi-transparent: front legs in my case?
Can I have the semi-transparent part be black with red markings?

I'm sorry, I really tried looking for them but I only found full body semi-transparent tutorial

Request a Preset/Marking / Can Anyone Make Presets With Glowy Markings?
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:56:35 am »
Hello! I made a character recently and it has glowy markings and eyes, but I cannot make those, so I ask if anyone can?
Here's a ref:
The red markings and eyes glow. It's symmetrical, the inside of mouth is same colour as markings and eyes and the tongue is same black as the body, same for teeth plus mane.
Thank you for reading.

Pages: [1]