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Topics - Aeromancer

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Aeromancer's Art
« on: August 09, 2015, 11:09:25 pm »
Hiya! I'm Aeromancer (or just Aero) and this will be my art thread.





What program/tablet do you use?
I use PaintTool SAI to sketch, line, colour, and shade my work. I throw my art in Photoshop afterwards for colour correcting, textures, edits, etc. I use a Wacom Cintiq 13hd.

How long have you been drawing?
I've been drawing all my life. But if we're talking digital art, I started in 2010.

Do you take requests?

Where else can I find your art?
I have a tumblr and a dA, but both are WIPs for now. Expect more frequent uploads there soon.


I only have sketches and WIPs right now LOL. I'm redoing my entire art style so I've been studying anatomy like crazy.

Life is Angst amiright

Here's the non-distorted image:

Introduction / Hello!
« on: August 09, 2015, 10:50:49 pm »
Hi all! I'm Aeromancer, but you can call me Aero for short.

I'm a 16yr old Junior in Highschool. I work at our neighboring Elementary school. I get to watch the kiddos who's parents can't pick them up 'till 7. Joy.

I love to draw. I'll be posting up an art thread soon! (Edit: It's up woo! ) And with what little free time I have after everything, I do some coding. The languages I'm learning are C++, CSS, and HTML. I also do some moderating for a few sites/projects.

I also really like Skyrim and Parks and Recreation yes.

That's all there is to me LOL. Thanks for stopping by!

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