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Topics - Styloac

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Member Bio & Journals / Stylo's Bio
« on: October 06, 2016, 03:22:07 pm »
Let's do this old-school RP bio style because that's all I know how to do  8)


Basic Information

Preferred Name: I tend to go by Stylo. It has some personal and symbolic meaning to me so I decided to keep it. Pronounced Sty-low. The "ac" part isn't necessary.

Age: I turn 18 in less than slightly over a week!

Date of Birth: October 15th

Ethnicity: I'm pretty dang white, since my dad's dad was an Irish immigrant, but I have a lot of Native American and Sicilian blood!! So I look a lil off. But I guess it's still white.

Gender: Still figuring that out, buddy. I prefer they/them but if you insist on calling me a girl, I won't have a tiff.

Sexuality: GOSH GIRLS ARE SO PRETTY. I don't take someone's sex or gender into consideration. I just like really sweet people that can make me laugh and play video games with me. I guess I have a preference for girls but, I mean, I currently have a boyfriend.

Nationality: American. Born in Florida, raised and currently live in California, and I've spent a TON of time in Washington and Missouri. I'm a military brat, ya know.

Occupation: I don't quite have a job yet, since I can't drive yet, but I do art commissions for some spare cash now and again!


Height: 5'2.5''

Weight: Chubby. Recently lost some weight though!

Eye Color: Dude my eyes are this really pleasant grey-green. I am thankful for my eyes.

Hair Color: It's its natural ole dark/medium brown right now but I'm thinking of getting a black-to-blue ombre.

Fashion: I dress generally in t-shirts, cargo shants (they aren't shorts, or pants, they go mid-calf?), and jackets. Maybe a bandana if you've got me feeling fancy.

Disabilities: My mental health is really shaky, and I'm an amputee. Also I wear glasses. But I'm doing fine.


Base Alignment: I consider myself either a neutral-good or a lawful-neutral. I like to do the right thing as much as I can.

Bad Habits: I have such a short temper and I get super impatient. It's really awful.

Interests: Music, EGGS!!, science, law enforcement, video games, low-magic fantasy, really pretty goth/punk girls, speedpaints, art, Cryaotic and SplatterCat, sleeping 17 hours at a time, bullying my boyfriend

  • I have 3 dogs (all labradors) and a chinchilla!
  • I'm not super into anime, but I have a few things I like. Berserk and And Yet the Town Moves are among the only anime/manga I enjoy.
  • Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) is my favourite franchise!!
  • Next to Star Wars, that is
  • I have a huge thing for indie music and the 80s aesthetic
  • I've been roleplaying since I was about 8 years old!
  • I have a deviantart and a tumblr, both having the username "styloac" but I never post on them. I just spam post once a month.
  • I also have a steam! Again though, not on much
  • Video games are WONDERFUL! My favourite is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and I have a massive love for open-world RPGs like the Elder Scrolls (Oblivion is my favourite), Fallout, Assassin's Creed, and Dark Souls.
  • I'm shy but at the same time I really love conversation and making new friends, so never be afraid to talk to me! Heck, if you ask, I'd give you my skype.

Introduction / Yo, I'm Stylo!
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:29:00 pm »
So this is my first time on Feral Heart since the 7th or 8th grade, and I'm a Junior now. I thought I'd like to revisit it because it's been so long!

Call me as you please; I am not picky on nicknames at all. Despite having been a roleplayer some years ago, I've lost touch between drama and medical problems in my life, but I sorta want to get back in the saddle, ya know? Fun! I may need a comrade to show me the ropes on the intricate little unspoken (or spoken) rules of Feral Heart roleplay (and I know there's always a certain way to do things! Help is always needed. Help and criticism.)

I'd like to think of myself as friendly, so feel free to message me, talk to me, I don't mind at all! I promise I don't bite. I could probably use with friends having just re-entered both the roleplaying circle and the Feral Heart circle in one swoop!


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