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Topics - AssemblerOfSouls

Pages: [1]
Characters / Anza
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:05:23 am »

Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kingdom: Pantherinae
Bio: (No new information to date)
Personality: Unknown
Likes: She'll chase and eat moths, butterflies, and similar-looking flying insects (ignores other bugs like flies, beetles, spiders, etc.).
Dislikes: Unknown

OOC; Just getting Anza's bio skele up now. I'll be making changes to details as I interact with others and roleplay. Lately, I've been making a habit of "learning" my more permanent characters with time and through roleplays, rather than creating a predetermined persona (which graduality adapts or evolves, as most should). If you got any suggestions based on the information (as little as there is) provided, that would be awesome. However, no mate requests or suggestions, I plan on keeping this character single and generally uninterested in the act until everything has been filled out. Thanks for stopping by! ;D

Introduction / Sup!
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:26:05 am »
I'm not only new to this site, but also animal/anthro/fur/etc. related roleplaying altogether! Normally, I draw or RP as human or humanoid beings, but someone suggested this site one day and I thought, "hey, why not? Looks cool." So far, I'm really enjoying the game (been lounging about and exploring over an hour today), and the community seems pretty chill. Everyone supports each other (excluding the trolls/bullies, as rare as they are) and it's an all around welcoming environment. :D

I'm female, 23, and have been generally roleplaying on and off for over 12 years. I draw as a hobby, I play video games (feel free to ask for PSN in messages, but I don't have very many multiplayer games), and I work full time.

If you ever want to roleplay in game, try to be patient with me as I am still learning game mechanics, lol. Feel free to inquire about other roleplays I've done, characters I have, or whatever other questions that you have in mind. I might not answer them all for whatever reason, but I'm a fairly open person.

Currently, in game, I've been too shy and/or unsure to approach anyone (again, I'm uber new to this community, plus I have few old social anxieties I still can't quite get rid of despite years of effort). If you happen to spot me, I'm very much approachable.

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