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Topics - Inoheiwa

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Help / Adding music to one specfic premade map?
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:52:55 pm »
Alright, so... I want to add music to only one map. Specifically, Cape of Distant Worlds, for a new music mod I'm making.
I need to know if it's even possible-- and, if so, how to do it.

I am fully aware that there is another open thread for this search that was made just under a month ago. However, none who looked for them have found what I'm looking for.

I intend to make a dragon preset-- I'll be making one no matter what, actually. But the dragon tail mentioned in this post would come in handy. And also the Bat Wings mod listed directly above them.

Full credit is still to Phloxen, but partial credit will be given to whoever tracks down the meshes... Please, I'm desperate to get these two mods.
Also, if anyone finds them-- anyone!-- I will attempt to pay for their skills using a preset.

I truly hope I can find them.
Thank you.

If anyone is looking for them, they can pm me! Phloxenfree sent me the files over DeviantArt.
I know a lot of people were looking for them, too.
This thread can be locked.

Game Help / The Grounds isn't working?
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:57:04 pm »
Alright, so I entered The Grounds through Lonely Cave two days ago, and all the items were floating.
Yesterday, I used other characters(Lavaburst, Yuichiro, Amaterasu, Midnight, etc) to enter The Grounds, and it was fine. Logged back on today, on Charger(who had the floating glitch), and everything floats-- only on him, though.
The top image here is from today, and the bottom was taken yesterday on the same character. What's going on?

Game Help / Scrolling preset mane?
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:28:58 pm »
So, I have found tutorials on how to make scrolling preset manes, and all of them use the same code.
I tried using this code, and the scrolling was white instead of the image desired.

It's this one:
Code: [Select]
material preset_7_maneMat
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
alpha_rejection greater_equal 128
texture preset_7mane.png
scroll_anim 1.0 1.0

Can anyone tell me how to put my image in there instead of leaving it as white?

Game Help / Having some map issues.
« on: June 10, 2016, 08:44:08 pm »
Alright, so I attempted to explore the new maps. I don't remember the name, but one of the maps in Ficho Tunnels kicked me out of the game.
I went offline for a bit, and returned on a new character. Attempted to enter Seaside Grove, and it kicked me again.
What's going on with the new maps?

Game Help / Quick question on portal mods~
« on: June 05, 2016, 06:07:36 pm »
So, scanning DeviantArt for new mods, I found a bunch of portal mods.
However, I couldn't find one that matched my present Okami theme, so I figured I would just make one.
But, with the fact that I only saw maybe one page of them in my search for mods, I figure they're hard to make or rarely shared.
So, can anyone give me a tutorial on how to make one of my own? Formats, programs needed, et cetara. ^.^

Hey, guys. I'm working on a free preset bundle, and I figured I'd just put everything here to save room on the forum.
So, here they will be.

Death the Kid preset
Patty Thompson preset
Liz Thompson preset

Presets & Markings / Free, Death the Kid preset!
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:36:42 pm »
Heyyy! It is I, the noob who has never made her own preset! Wait... I lied. I just made one for all of you guys to enjoy!
Here's the preview of it in different poses. Don't worry, it's symmetrical(except the tail-- that was uneven on the bottom. OOPS)
Also, the markings are white. The night makes them blue for some reason!

So, I found my workaround from the mane stripes. Use the 'Eyecover' mane, and use the 'Round Mane Black' item from Sephalovable's Legendary Items pack!
Here's the download link, for you lil' floofs who want to use it! All files and some information about the preset is in there:

Game Help / Question on canine manes in presets
« on: March 26, 2016, 11:29:12 pm »
Alright. So, I'm working on a free canine preset of a character many of you may know: Death the Kid.
I've only seen one around, and decided to try making my first preset.
It's almost done, but there's just one problem. I can't deal with the mane properly.

For those who don't know, it's supposed to be black with three white stripes on the left side, but solid black on the right. However, I don't know how to fix this.
At first, I tried using the codes for everything else asymmetrical, but it was a marshmallow. Then I tried the normal codes with a new image, but it now comes up looking all wrong. So, how do I get it to look right?

Game Help / A little 'run' help?
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:08:14 am »
Well, I went to bonfire on my new cheetah today for little to no reason. I was looking around, and saw one of the TLK roleplayers was doing that out-of-control running thing.
Someone else told me that there was a shortcut they used to increase their running speed. I was wondering how this worked, or if it was a mod or something.

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