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Topics - ColliePup

Pages: [1]
I have tired multiple times to Download and get the newer patterns. I'm tiered of not being able to see the Patterns on Other players. Is there a video I could view to Help me step by step?

Game Help / Make rooms? +more questions
« on: March 19, 2016, 06:53:25 pm »
Hello! I have a question

-Can you make your own rooms/servers?
In the pictures above ^ There is Rooms I have never seen or gotten to. There is also items I do not know how to get.
i saw A picture of a cheetah with a zebra He hunted down but Where are zebras? One more question sorry..
How many lands are there in feral Heart?

Sorry for the Many questions.. i don't want to make alot of forums and don't want to spam..

thank you

Game Help / Noob Needs Help with markings :I
« on: February 13, 2016, 01:44:22 pm »
 :-\ Hi guys file noob here. I have tried a few times to get the updated skins to my feral heart file and Now I need the download again

So do I drag the file to the presents file or do I copy it and paste it?

Im sorry im A noob at this stuff

Game Help / Skin / fur glitch?
« on: December 17, 2015, 09:14:39 pm »
Every since I have join i have seen these strange wolfs that where only white (solid white as a piece of paper) And then have a colored mane. Sometimes I can see there heads but then the rest is white...

Game Help / Connection lost After logging in??
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:36:40 pm »
Hello, I am A new player. I have downloaded the game, read the rules and have it running.. But when ever I log in on the game it says ''Failed to connect to front server''. Please help.

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