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Topics - Teakat

Pages: [1]
Praise / Thank You, Family!<3
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:22:42 pm »
Thank you, everyone in the community, for just.. being here. :D It means a lot that this game/community has been around for so long, & I'm happy that everyone still remains upbeat & positive. It's amazing to come online here, even after some of my more stressful days, & have them instantly be turned into good because of things you guys have said, or threads you've made, or just browsing through some of your guys' art, mods, etc... :) It's nice to have a community that honestly feels like home & family!

I'd also like to thank the Mods/Admins because I've never seen more devoted officials on a game & it's nice to see that you're actually real people. {What I mean by that is it's nice that you guys don't put on this fake facade to try to act like you should constantly be someone who has authority~you guys act like friends to all of us too. & that's so lovely of you!}

Thank you!

Art Gallery / Artsy Requests~Teakat OPEN
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:01:18 pm »
Artist's block can be a major issue for me. ;D Life is hard when you want to draw but don't know what to draw. Therefore... My art requests are open! yayayay.

Here are a few examples of my doodlies.

Please provide me with the following if you want arts! :D :

Character's name:
Character's species:
Character's age:
Character's attitude:
Headshot or fullbody?:


Ask Me / Ask Teakat!
« on: March 12, 2016, 09:31:11 pm »
Hello, all! This is my first time posting an 'Ask me!' sort of thing on any site, so I'll try to do my best at responding to any questions asap! Although I'm sure many, if not all, of you know this, please do not ask about any personal info {phone number, my address, my full name, etc etc} as I will not answer questions that pertain to those topics!  :P {& that's against the rules, heheh.}

Now that that's said, fire away! ;D

Presets & Markings / Teakat's Free Blackcat Preset
« on: March 12, 2016, 06:23:46 pm »
I've started to create presets again! Weeee~
I decided to be a bit simple since it's been a while. I've just created a little black kitty, based on my own cat irl.
If anyone wants to use it, feel free to go to the link provided below & download it, after reading the rules in the description.  ;D

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