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Topics - okuajub

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Ogre Missing File charcreatescreen/sx11
« on: July 09, 2019, 11:25:45 pm »
Hello! I seem to be having an issue after the new update in creating a new character. Feralheart crashes and displays this:

after I click "Create". It launches just fine, and I can log in, but I can't create a new character. I also looked for this file in the 1.16v google drive and it doesn't have it, so I assume I'm missing a file from the new update?

Game Help / Having Trouble Adding Item(s)
« on: September 01, 2018, 02:40:57 am »
Hello! I'm a FH modding noob, and I was attempting to download a pack of Homestuck Horns to my items, but I can't seem to get them to appear. I've messed around in the Object maker, I've changed the CFG, I even created file folders for the items, but can't get them to show up in my items list with things like the antlers, twig, etc.

I have preset sync, if that changes anything. I also have the horns saved as objects.
Do you think you can help me? I'm using these horns:
this is what is in the CFG:
and this is what it looks like in the item folders I created:

I've scoured for tutorials that apply to my situation, but I can't find one in particular. This is kind of a last resort, but I'd rather like to have these!

Introduction / Hello, I'm Sodefax.
« on: February 19, 2017, 08:37:58 pm »
Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself to the forums as to not seem rude. I'm an artist who is still growing, and I am also new to feral heart. I prefer chocolate over vanilla, but strawberry over chocolate. My favorite animal is the red panda. I'm a furry, who is a christian, female, and straight. I enjoy survival games, but I also enjoy simple relaxing games. I'm also still learning forum coding, so take any of my coding with a grain of salt.

Thanks for your time, reader, and letting me introduce myself!

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