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Topics - The_Vulpes_x2

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Dog Crazy! {Sign-Up Thread}
« on: October 18, 2017, 03:38:54 pm »
The peaceful town of Hale is home to many different types of dogs. In the Crystal Hills district of Hale lives the upper class humans, and is home to many dogs who consider themselves "high society," such as show dogs and those who prefer the finer things in life. The Clover Meadow district is very diverse compared to the other districts and houses such types of dog as police dogs, therapy dogs, and your basic everyday pet. The Shady Willow Trails district is out in the outskirts of Hale, with lots of land and country, and home to more of the working breeds, such as farm dogs, or sled dogs. At times, wild animals and stray dogs roam the streets, lost, lonely, and hungry.

Welcome to the town of Hale! Each district has an male and female Alpha, and a male and female
beta. Every full moon, the districts come together and hold a meeting to discuss events and issues.

You can role-play as a pet dog, stray dog, or wild animal. (Ex: Fox, raccoon, any sort of animal that could be found in or around a town)

Role-play Thread: To be created when we have at least (9) more members.

Of course, follow forum rules.
You can have as many characters as you can handle, but only one character in a major position. (Ex: Alpha or Beta)
You must PM me for permission to be a wild animal, or to have a major position. (Ex: Alpha or Beta)
Be respectful and kind, we are all here to have fun, don't make it un-fun.
No "powers" or overly lethal characters, no instant kills.
When wanting to kill another user's character, pm them for permission.
To prove you have read these instructions, include the word "dog" somewhere in your "other information."
Use any form of parentheses when talking out of character.

If you are confused about the rules, or have any questions, please PM me.

Plot ideas are welcome, PM me yours to get it approved.

Form For Dogs:

(Insert picture here)
Age (In dog years):
Physical Description:
Other Information:

Form for Wild Animals:

(Insert picture here)
Physical Description:
Other Information:

You can role-play as your owner, and as other humans such as dog catchers, etc. You can not role-play as other's owners.

Major roles are first come first serve. PM me if you would like a major position.

Crystal Hills
Members (Unlimited):

Clover Meadow
Alphas: Silas (male Dutch shepherd |Vulpes_x2|)(Alpha female TBD in rp)
Members (Unlimited):

Shady Willow Trails
Members (Unlimited): Braxil (female Australian shepherd |Vulpes_x2)

Betas: Cassius (male German shepherd/husky mix |Vulpes_x2|)
Members (Unlimited):

Wild Animals (Unlimited):

This is a literate thread. No one-lining or incorrect grammar. I reserve the right to deny applications and remove you from role-play as I see fit. You will receive one and only one warning before you are terminated from the role-play.

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