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Topics - nebulouslion

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Site/Forum Help / Adware on login page?
« on: November 25, 2017, 01:52:30 am »
(I apologize in advance if this is on the wrong board, I sort of assumed this was a Site Help issue; a mod can move it if they see fit.)

Hello! I registered for this game yesterday, and got into it a bit on the same day. So far, it seems to be a relaxing but fun game and I don't really have any complaints. ...Well, except for this one.

This morning, when I woke up and wanted to play the game for a bit again, I noticed that my attempts to log in thru the Login page (aka the Play Game button) weren't going through at all. Multiple times I tried submitting my login information - each and every attempt with me KNOWING the information was 100% correct - but none of it worked.

This kind of thing usually isn't too big of a deal for me, considering I always use a proxy, adblock, etc. as protective measures when browsing. However, as I went thru and turned all of them off systematically to narrow down a cause and see how I could log in, I found that I got popups occasionally in the place of the login page, as if it was redirecting me away from the logged-in page and instead to a random ad.

Curiously (as I was beginning to get a little concerned), I checked what my NoScript addon had to say about the login page, and lo and behold, I noticed there was not just one, but TWO different adware sites 'attached' to the login page. I checked this on both Firefox (my main browser) and Google Chrome (my backup), and they both have at least one of these malicious URLs connected to them.

"Well, okay, maybe it's just me," I thought as I frantically told my multiple antiviruses to scan my computer. Perhaps I'd downloaded adware by mistake from one of the presets or item packs...?

However, all 3 programs I used came up completely clean. Even a selective scan of the FeralHeart directory and my entire Downloads folder (where any mods/item packs/etc. could've been stored) gave nothing. So, I have to assume this is an issue with the site itself as opposed to my PC.

I don't mean to accuse the site managers of acting maliciously in any way - really, I'd be thrilled if this was some kind of misunderstanding - but I do find the apparent embedding of these two confirmed adware destinations into the login page very worrying, and I hope it's something that can be fixed. It's not only causing me distress by the threat of a stray popup accidentally DLing some kind of malware when I log in, but it's also preventing me from logging into the game entirely. Please help!

(Before it's asked: the specific adware sites I'm talking about are and ; I can give other details and screenshot evidence as well, if needed.)

EDIT: Managed to log in somehow just a couple minutes after posting this (oops), so that part is solved for now; I'll still keep this up for the adware part, though.

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