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Topics - kibbun

Pages: [1]
Game Help / activation email not received?
« on: August 03, 2018, 03:50:53 pm »
hello! so, my cousin and i were trying to find an animal game we could play together. i remembered that feral heart was really fun, so we decided that we could play that once registrations open up. luckily, this morning about 20 minutes ago, they were open! so, she made an account, but... she didn't get an activation email. she can't get to the user panel or anything. we've checked every part of her email, nothing. any help? i really want her to be able to enjoy this game along with me. any help is appreciated a ton !!

Game Help / questions about the game!
« on: December 19, 2017, 10:44:52 pm »
hey there!
as i'm sort of new to this game, there's still so much i have no idea about. these are just some general questions i have about the game! if anybody could answer them, i'd appreciate it a ton!!
1. how the heck do maps work? are they singleplayer or multiplayer? how do you get them and how do other people get in there with you?
2. how do i stop seeing everybody as a completely white character? (or as i call them, "marshmallows") is there a fix to this?
3. is there a way to scroll with your mouse wheel when choosing an item to wear/other times you scroll in the character creation menu? scrolling with clicking the slider bar is too fast and it's hard to find what you're looking for.
hope these can be answered ;w;
have a great day, everyone!!

Introduction / yeet
« on: December 16, 2017, 01:35:07 am »
howdy there
i never gave myself an introduction here so let me do that,,
i'm krazy, edd, egg, whatever you want to call me. i joined FH a week or so ago, and i'm here to have a good time!
from what i've played, i absolutely love this game!! it's really fun to make characters and such.
i really hope to make some friends here ;w; what better way than to say some stuff i like then?
i'm your local gay™ who loves things like be more chill, eddsworld, steven universe, drawing, memes to the point where it's unhealthy, and making stupid jokes!
i hope to meet some great people and have a great time in this community. if anybody has some tips on being here, let me know!

Pages: [1]