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Topics - iAisu

Pages: [1]
Game Help / SOLVED
« on: November 29, 2012, 03:06:50 am »
His username is "Wolfen Warrior" he is my colleague and he finally had time to login today after so long as he told me. Thing is at first he forgot his username, so I asked his friend "Akerious" what it was. And it was "Wolfen Warrior" as I told him before. Though he refused when I said it was his username at first because his password was wrong. But it is. So now he forgot his password. AND he forgot which email he used for his account. He has a bajillion emails. It's unbelievable. May I ask for a assistance from an admin or mod? He really needs help. He is book smart, but damn he forgets everything but school related work. Maybe have him reset his password or..? He tried resetting password, but once again he forgot which email he used. (I wish he wrote them all down, idiot. >.>)
So please help my poor idiotic colleague who forgets everything. Thank you.

Thank you Stubby for suggesting me to go to FH, I found Red and he was able to fix the problem. He now has his email so he can get his password. And thank you Red for retrieving his email for him. Don't worry, at school tomorrow in the mall area I'll give him a butt whooping he will never forget for wasting my precious time... Muahaha. Let me get my tools of destruction.

Other Games / Skyrim! Fus Ro Dah!
« on: August 23, 2012, 07:03:44 am »
I was surprised to see that there was no Skyrim topic, so I have done everyone the favor of doing so since I am so awesome and uberspectacular in every way, shape, and form. How kind of me huh? Jokes aside...
Talk about Skyrim, exchange Profile I.Ds if you own a console version of the game of course... what level are you? Class? How far have you gotten in the game? Etc. You get the point.
Just no trash talk about how Skyrim functions oh so horribly on the PS3. (Like me. The idiot who bought it on PS3.)
But anyways, have fun, keep it clean, and make sure to grab a cookie.

Game Discussion / Is this true?
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:26:50 pm »
Couple months ago, I saw KovuLKD's dA page and what really caught my attention was one of the comments.

Is this really true that Razmirz is now in charge of Feral Heart? I wanted to ask the Feral Heart Staff first before saying anything. If not, well... damn.

Presets & Markings / *~Aisu's Free Presets~* Updated: July 9th, 2012
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:20:05 pm »
Update: July 9th 2012- I am back from a very long absence. The preset links displayed here do not work anymore because they were removed by the website. I'm very sorry I cannot recover them. I'll keep the images here for memories though. :) More presets are coming this way.. officially... at a slow pace since I am still busy with things to do.
This is the first preset I made, only took about 2 hours to create. This preset may be used for anyone who wishes to use it or edit it. Can be used for both canines and felines!

This is my second preset, took less than an hour. Just experimenting the flame look~
Thank you Chronic for helping my fix the mane! Now it looks flawless. => He is dah master of manes!!!
Recommended for felines, looks better on them.

Took me about 5+ hours to make this, really put in a lot of effort to make sure everything was right. Hope you like it! Can be used for both species!!!

If you wish to give me any advice/guides/tutorials feel free to post a comment! I wish to improve making presets.
Thank you and I really hope you enjoy your new, free preset. =>
NOTE: Do not claim or try to take credit for my presets. I made them all by myself and worked very hard on them. I did use images off the internet, and I do not claim them as my own. However you are free to edit them if you wish, BUT do not take full credit for it. You must give credit to me as well, AND post a link to this forum since I made them. That is all I ask.
iAisu's Livestream: on/Off
Status: Thinking of what preset to make.
Project: None at the moment.
iAisu's Preset Watch - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Game Suggestions & Ideas / PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:22:03 pm »
I think PVP should be added to FH, because instead of "-autokills, swipes, super awesome power playing-" we could actually fight each other. (This may be considered an action somewhat, but not displayed in the action menu. Instead once engaged in battle you will use the left mouse and click to attack a player you challenged.)  Then again, people would disagree because what would be the point of Role-Play? Then don't use the PVP feature. Simple. Now let's get into more detail.

Of course we don't want everyone running around killing people for no reason, so add a "Request to Battle" button. (Can be displayed by clicking the user then selecting the button from the choice menu, as if you were going to add someone.) If your in a pack and want to fight with another pack then add a "Request to Battle Pack" button. (Only the leader may Request the Battle) You are able to either accept or decline on both occasions.

Now when fighting, you don't want repeated actions or simple swipes. You want it to look realistic as possible, like a real fight. (The type of moves you use in combat are different depending on the species. Observe some wolf fights and lion fights to grasp the idea what moves these animals use and apply them into the game.) You may also growl, howl, and roar. (Some sort of battle cry noise while in battle.) (Automatic or manually make the noises, you decide.)

Of course this isn't going to be a simple task to add PVP into the game, but it's definitely worth the hard work.
I hope this idea is added into this game, and I know many people would enjoy this new feature if added.
If you have any more questions or want more specific details don't hesitate and just ask. Thank you for reading and spread this topic around so more people will know of this idea and may be voted to be added.

(I know there is an action idea thread but this doesn't fall into that category. This is more like a feature of some sort.)

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