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Topics - +Anaesthetic+

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Others can't see preset!?
« on: October 09, 2018, 11:46:47 pm »
Hello again! Nekros here, I'm back with another issue. Fun, right? So I spent a few hours working on a preset for a character of mine belonging to my new group Perdition- and I've exported it and placed it on a charrie, their default colour being black, with the preset over the top of it. It's all exported, everything works for me- I can see my own preset- but my fiance cannot. She's downloaded my preset from Mediafire and placed the fhp file into Presets. She's reset FH and came back, only to see my charrie's default appearance- and all black wolf. How do I fix this? I've tried placing the preset onto a blank charrie, I've tried re-extracting it. Nothing is working!

Game Help / Sunbeam Mesh Help!
« on: October 08, 2018, 07:08:10 pm »
Hello fellow floofs! So, after hours of downloading and sorting through meshes, I installed the Sunbeam Mesh [I DID NOT CREATE IT- CREDIT GOES TO THE CREATOR] and in her picture, it shows it being all glowy. The comments stated she did some coding in the materials text- but what did she write to make it looking so heavenly? HELP!

Request/Find Meshes / I NEED MESHES!
« on: October 06, 2018, 08:00:04 pm »
Making a spoopy hell-based silent hill-looking map. I need all the spoopy meshes there is! Skulls, bones, blood, cages, creepy plants, demonic things, if there's a skyrim mesh pack- gimmie gimmie! ; ^ ; // grabby paws \\

Game Help / BMP file? [Mesh]
« on: October 06, 2018, 05:04:03 pm »
Hello everyfloof, I'm Nekros, I'm a pretty old player [game-wise, not age!] been around since 'nam. I've recently came back from a hiatus to find my laptop broken so I had to redownload EVERY mesh that I had- keep in mind, this is more than 1000 meshes. I finally gathered the strength to do so and I came across a mesh that had a BMP file in it.

My question is- where does said BMP file go? Where do I put it?

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