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Topics - Niflheim

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Greetings!
« on: December 29, 2018, 12:17:34 am »
════════▣ Hallo! ▣════════

I'm not so new around here, what with rejoining recently
on another account and all, but I figured I should introduce myself at the
very least after 6 years.

You all can call me Nif/Niffler if you'd like, though my friends and such call me Avriel (or Avi).
I'm terrible at introductions, so here's some facts about me and interests I have!


I am 17 years old and my birthday is on 30. November.
I'm transgender (please use male pronouns!)
I play cello, as well as upright and electric bass. I love music so much :')
In school, I'm apart of the jazz band. I'm also usually in the pit during musical season,
and I do volunteer work with Tri-M, another music organization oof.

I'm a big writer, even though it's hard for me to find motivation. I'm an avid roleplayer,
mostly on here and Amino, but I also love writing short stories and poetry when I can!
In the future, I hope to become a writer or musician, though I absolutely wouldn't mind
becoming an artist, as I love painting. Unfortunately, I'm not the greatest at actually drawing,
either with a pencil/traditional, or digital. I am, however, slowly improving with presets!

I am a Norse pagan alongside being eclectic, fun fact. The main god I worship is Týr!
I'm also a leader of a fairly large community for young pagans and believers in the
metaphysical, and have been for almost two years.
But hey, despite this, I'm a huge science fan, and I love astronomy. Vsauce is my stuff.

I really like being outdoors, but I don't get out much, being that I live around a bunch of
cornfields. It's why I love traveling, and hopefully I'll get more chances to soon enough!
The deserts out in Utah and Arizona are among my favorite places to visit--and yes, I love
road trips! I'd rather drive two days cross-country to see the desert than buy a plane ticket.
I haven't been in a ton of countries, but I have gone to Thailand and China! My mother is Chinese,
so we visit our family there every couple of years if we can.
There's way too many places I want to go, far too many to list here. But I will say that a place high
up on my list is Germany.

Remember when I said I loved music? Well, my favorite genres include:
- Classical
- Classic rock
- Hard rock
- Metal
- Folk metal
- Symphonic metal
- Power metal
- (Sometimes) Black metal
- Jazz/Blues
- Acapella (mostly Pentatonix, let's be real here)
- Instrumental (fantasy, Celtic, medieval, etc.)
- Dubstep
- Ninja -Removed by moderator- Party, because that band is somethin' else
- Older pop (Wham!, George Michael, etc.)
- Rap rock (Hollywood Undead)
This list could go on forever, honestly. The only kind of music I'm
not a huge fan of is stadium country and... I don't really know how
to describe it, but I guess really crappy rap. I'm a fan of rap, but
recently... eugh.

Like anyone else, I love my evening Netflix binges. My favorite shows include:
- Supernatural
- Bates Motel
- The Originals
- Naruto (shut up)
- K
- Attack on Titan
- Death Note
- Ouran High School Host Club (SHHHH)
- The Walking Dead
- iZombie
- Black Mirror
- The 100
- The Flash
- Arrow
- Z Nation (it's so stupid, I love it)
I also enjoy nature documentaries, and watching terrible horror movies is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I like anime, especially the ridiculous ones like OHSHC. I don't know why, but something about
it is terribly charming and stupid at the same time. I love my anime.
Disney and Pixar movies are amazing as well, but I also like the live-action movies coming out,
such as the new Jungle Book. Some aren't fans of it, but I enjoy seeing different adaptations of films.

This is getting a little bit long, but I love reading even though it feels like a chore now (due to school).
Nevertheless, my favorite book remains: "The Picture of Dorian Gray", by Oscar Wilde. I still hold a love
for reading, and hopefully I'll find some time to really just relax and sit down with a good book.


Ah, well, that's about it.
I'll see you lot in-game, then!

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