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Topics - Kaprot

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Preset Issues!
« on: March 15, 2014, 01:10:55 am »
So, I am having issues with this time, presets!
The fun of presets, sigh.

So, apparently when my friends download my preset (.fhp file), they cannot see it.
I've had them redownload it before starting up FH.
Then, Had them restart their computer.
I restarted my FH and re-exported (if that's a word.) and I got nothin'!

Does anyone know a solution?
I know this is a case sensitive file, so it cannot be capital "A" and I log in with Lowercase "a".

If anyone has any solutions, that would be great.

-Preset will not show for others
-I have done countless things to see if it will work

Is this a glitch in my game? Do I have to redownload FH? (Done that, too :I)
I really want to join a Roleplay with this character soon, and having these issues won't help ;;

Well, currently making a new map for everyone. No, not a mod so FH won't be updated ._.
You have to download this one like the rest of them. Don't worry, when it's done there will be folders with the folders name of where all the content goes.

The 5 Rings, Just some random pretty crystal rock that glows at night ;U;

Sorry about the strange looking ring. It won't look like that for you in the game, just for me. Unless you have the verto animus map-pack. c:

The 'Great Tree' Itself.

I like how I set it up. Also, to get the glow, I had to go into Object maker and load the crystal in Default. Then I deleted the mesh, and it's collision and saved it in another file, then I specially got the glow :D You can resize it, don't worry. OuO

Just some random rock I put a bunch of grass around. Please, be careful sitting under the rock. The moving grass can cause motion sickness. Well, That's if you're sitting in the wrong place, of course. c:

Please, remember the items that I have in this map, credit to it's creator, and Feral Heart for the game. Credit to me for the map and the idea.  I hope you guys will find this an interesting map.

Look for the next post in around a month or two "The Great Tree - A Public Map" :D

Game Help / Waterfall sounds/effects please..
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:11:34 pm »
Hey guize, I need some waterfall sounds for my current map I am makeing for my pride. Anyone have any good waterfall sounds I can use? And Ill also need a tad of help of where to put them. Im guessing sounds is the place. If you help me, I thank you very much. Thanks for reading/helping(If you did)!

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