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Topics - DarkendStride

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Game Discussion / What's going on?
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:02:49 am »
I'm deathly curious about what's going on with the development of Feral-Heart and I hope this isn't "out of line" in any way. I noticed today that this game hasn't had an update since December 29, 2011. That date should be correct, if the news box on the main-screen and memory serve correctly. I'm wondering why that is, is Kovu just bored with this project or does he not have time to work on it anymore?

I can personally say I wouldn't leave a project alone this long with 1000+ players and nowhere else for them to go, being a coder (Yes, I did games too. :L) and a long-standing administrator of a couple servers for different games that have now faded into memory. (1+ Years was my longest on a popular Minecraft server. :D And note I said OTHER GAMES)

I'm not meaning to sound negative or anything and the above paragraph only serves to describe where my point-of-view sits (I'm not saying I could do anything better, so don't even bring that into this.)

But, opinions? I'd really like to see Kovu get back in the saddle with this project, even though the forums, game, and website are still running lovely.

Best regards,
- Kektian

P.S. If I've somehow made a duplicate thread to something already detailing Kovu's absence (I couldn't find one, personally) then just send me a link and lock this, thanks! Purely posted out of curiosity.

Stories / The wolf of Italy Hill
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:29:06 am »
For those that we love, we must... Get away.~
A story by Kekitan, or rather, myself; I hold all copyright to this story and you may not reproduce, modify, or repost it without my permission. Nor claim it as your own, at any time.
If you wish to share this story, please redirect them to this post.

I'll be updating this periodically. When I have time, of course.


"Shall we tell them the story of Italy hill?" A gentle voice asked, as gentle as the breeze wisping fur, and twice as beautiful.
"I would 'supose..." A gruff voice replied, his tongue moving like sandpaper over the words that he spoke. Withering them away into dust.
"It is a story of many twists and turns, well, not really. More like a legend told to kits during they're first nightfall, one they will not soon forget."
"Anyhow, there is a wolf on Italy hill. You may call him, a guardian. Some call him the lost traveler. Others, well... They just tend not to associate with him."
"Yes, he's quite interesting..." Came a third voice still, he made jest and merriment out of this sad story in telling, and as he said it. His voice slowly drummed off into laughter.
"Mind your manners!" The second voice snapped, gruff as ever with a edge like that of the sharpest claws. "You cannot use this for your merry making!"

The voice continued to laugh and laugh, as it slowly faded into nothing. It was as light as a feather, skipping on the breeze.

"Anyhow..." The first voice continued, "Some tend not to associate with him, and for good reason. He is like me, kind... And he is like him, as gruff as sandpaper on fur. He sits on that hill, waiting to be found."

"For, it is the hill of the lost!" Interjected a forth, more knowledgeable sounding than the others; A crowd joined to meet him at this.

"Quiet down... Quiet down... Too much commotion and we might wake him!" The first voice called to the others, and they all quieted in respect.

"Now, where was I? Oh, yes... He is waiting to be found! Italy Hill is the place where lost souls are ensnared. Those poor, lost souls..." The voice trailed off as another tattered into existence

"They're obviously not poor enough! They're not dead yet..." This voice sounded gruff and wet, like a river of hate that slowly wound though the trees in a forest of sorrow. He was, indeed, Misery.

The first voice sighed, "Misery, your part is well played. But, not yet needed." It said and was soon snuffed out.

"Why ever so not?" Asked Misery, no reply was heard. "Oh, right..." He snickered. "I shall continue the story then!"

The other voices gasped at what he had done. No one dared say anything however, the fits of the one above could be felt throughout they're small, bleak realm.


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Emotes Technical Rework
« on: November 11, 2011, 10:44:55 pm »
Just a bit of a idea I had while testing out custom emotes.  ;D
Well, while I was testing these emotes I found that the people around me couldn't see them; Which led me to believe that the server works by having the NAME of the emote being used sent and received by the other players. Where it's name is looked for in the Emotes.cfg and is updated by the posing numbers associated with that name.

But, if there is no emote by that name (Like some people would have custom emotes and some would not) then it doesn't update and the player using them remains blank faced.

So, my question and idea is. Why not have the emotes sent by numbers? When a certain emote is used, have the clients send and receive the posing numbers and then update that player accordingly. Posing numbers would be like... "ShowTongue" and "EarDroopL".

I don't exactly claim to know most of the innerworkings of FH. But, I hope I hit pretty close to the mark with this and I hope it's mostly understandable. Considering it seems I can't type today. >_>


Art Gallery / Kekitan's Art (New Art; Updated 6/21/11)
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:03:25 am »
Well... I've really never attempted (Like really really attempted) to draw or color anything (Though I do doodle a lot!).
Though, my mate: my friend: Shade. Started making this awesome looking picture out of line art and it really inspired me to try also. So, the first picture you will find here is the result of that inspiration from her!

Here you will find all the art that I've made! Most of it will probably be line art, as I'm still working on drawing wolves and other animals correctly (If anyone has a good tutorial on drawing animals, particularly wolves, feel free to post a link here!). So, I hope you enjoy!

Dedicated to Shade, a epicly awesome mate friend.
Title: Shade is hugging me!  ;D
Date Drawn: 5/6/11
Description: This piece of art here is some colored line art from ChickenSmoothie. Well, I got the line art from there and colored it in myself! This picture depicts Shade (On the right) hugging me (On the left). This has a lot more feeling then just what's upfront and I hope you see it also as when I was drawing this I had a very strong sense of joy!

Title: Touching noses with Shade  :)
Date Drawn: 5/7/11
Description: I seem to be coloring a lot of line art of me and Shade, but I just can't help it! I'll be looking though pictures on google and be like "Wow... that would look awesome." and just start coloring away in photoshop. ;D  This picture depicts Shade and I touching noses. The creator of the line art's link on deviant art is:, be forewarned! Deviant Art can contain some material not suitable for young children! Also, it seems this person may play FH? If they happen to run across this I would like to say, thanks for the line art!   :D

Note: Shade, even though we're not mates anymore; I will always consider you a good friend.
Note #2: I will keep posting art, when I find the inspiration to do so; Though, I will no longer be doing anymore art of me and Shade due to recent events. I also thank you all for your nice comments!  :)

Title: Kekitan is sleeping!
Date Drawn: 6/2/11 - 6/4/11
Description: This is a picture depicting my character: Kekitan; Sleeping a field! I once again, thank the maker of this line art. Though, I'm am not sure who that may be; As the creators signature (Link) only leads to stored deviantArt creations. You may have seen this picture before and yes, I did rewrite the link text with new text; BUT, the same link. I had colored over it by mistake and felt that it needed to be there.

Title: Wolf's Rain Tribute to Cheza - Lunar Flowers
Date Drawn: 6/21/11
Description: Well, I meant for this to be a wallpaper; But, I figured out that my image hosting service has secretly been resizing my images to save space! So, if you do put it as your wallpaper; It will look kinda weird.  :(

This is a tribute to Cheza from the Anime: "Wolf's Rain". The flowers floating up at the lower left would actually be "Lunar Flowers" from the show, which is what Cheza was made from by the alchemists that created her. The words are a translation of some of "Cheza's Lullaby" that she sings to the wolves in the forest to help them sleep. I hope you like it!  ;D

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