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Topics - dinoanc

Pages: [1] 2
Game Suggestions & Ideas / An idea for Groups?
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:29:38 pm »
I had a little idea that I saw was implemented in other games- and I thought it might help improve group experiences here as well?
I don't know how easy of a thing it'd be to implement, but what if there were group admins/mods? Basically, it'd be like having more than one group owner. More than one person could add people to a group, kick people from a group, etc. The group creator could select as many admins/mods as they wanted, and could demote them down to a normal group member if they wanted. A group owner could also hand the group off to someone else, without having to delete the group and re-add all the people?

I feel like this would help roleplays recruit alot better, since most are based around a ranking kind of system. Sometimes the group owner isn't around very often, and a high-ranking person of the rp has rights to recruit for the group in such, but then aren't able to add people in till the group owner is back. sometimes they have to wait days- and it might cause those new recruit to loose interest.

idk, i rambled at the end there, but I hope it was understandable enough?

Game Help / Map problem
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:22:30 am »
Well, its not exactly my problem, it's my friends. But, isn't really working for her atm.

Well, shes having me make a map for her. I get part of it done, and decided to have her test it.
She downloaded it all, all into the correct  folders.

But, when she enters the map, she only sees the terrain. No meshes, and even the mini map is blank.

Yes, The .fhm is there, yes, ALL the .fho's are there.. I'm not sure what to do. I tried getting someone else to test it, but no one would help me.

Other Mods/Creations / Dino's Pet Item Pack
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:55:30 am »

:'3 I made a pack of wearable pets.
Altho, I didn't really make them, they're made out of meshes I had downloaded. ^^' I hope that's okay.
I just coded them into wearable pets. owo
Here's a ist of all my pets:
2 different kittens
Red Panda

Maybe later, I'll add more~
And no, I don't take requests or commisions. these are too difficult.
But.. I guess.. you can leave a suggestion below.

Also, if you want, post screenies of you and your pets? Idk xD

EDIT: Okay, again, i did not make these meshes used to make these items. If I could some how remember, I'd list the owners.. but I don't have the greatest of memory. ^^' If the owner(s) doesn't want me using these, I'll kindly take them down.

Request/Find Meshes / Where can I find these?
« on: February 09, 2013, 04:55:23 pm »

I've been looking for these meshes for a while, but haven't come across them. could someone give me a link to their download? :c

Game Help / How to make a customized FH skin?
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:14:13 am »
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I can never tell. :I

I searched all over for a tutorial, but never came across one. x'D I have downloaded customized FH skin's before, but I've always wondered how to make one. So, I was hoping one of you people would be able to help me. xD

Example of what I'm talking about:

Request/Find Meshes / Another convert request.. x'D
« on: January 19, 2013, 09:02:00 pm »
ffff- I found one last mesh I want converted. i hope this one can be done.. I really like et. XD

Game Help / Map maker problem! Help asap
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:34:47 pm »
Help, please. ;-;

Okay, so, I've had this map i've been working on for a while. Well, I went to open it, It gave me this error: 'Unable to load Terrain.cfg for TIC.'
I've had it before.. and only had to redownload FH. Well, I redownloaded, and I got the error again.

Oh.. and for some reason when i enter the map online, my terrain doesn't show in the mini map.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / A way to ban people from private maps?
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:37:14 pm »
I think this is where I need to post this. o-o
But seriously, this makes me mad. I'll be peacefully RPing by myself, and then some troll enters the map. We asked the kindly to leave, and the don't.
It'd be nice if atleast the map maker had the option to ban people from their maps and stuff.
I think alot of people would love it.
Seriously. o-o

Game Suggestions & Ideas / I don't know where to post this.
« on: September 23, 2012, 04:50:59 pm »
OKay.. This kinda makes me mad. Sometimes my char gets stuck in Maps, Or even the public maps. I know, its simple enough to re-create them. But... what if you wanted to keep it? Like, you had a group created on it?

I was thinking how nice it would be to have a Home button in the Character editer... I mean, then you wouldn't have to worry about these things. ;o;

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