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Topics - cherrywolf00

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                                                                       Oruka And Rouka Pride

 This is a lion RP.It's a realistic RP but you can have any color/marking you like. I know that the forum post isn't ..ummm...good but anyway I'm busy. 


It all started when Kyda and her sister Ruka had a fight because Kyda was choosen to lead the pride. Ruka was mean since she was a cub but this thing was the last drop. Their father the only parent the girls had said: ''If you can't act like sisters  and can't decide who will lead, then you will both lead. Kyda will have the Sun and Ruka will have the Moon. The Sun will be a place of happiness and love where everything will work just fine : you will have food and big plains, and this will be the Oruka Pride. And Moon will be a snowy land where you can barely find food and it will be cold and empty this will be the Rouka Pride. I said!''. He hit the ground and everything changed as he said: from now the pride-land is in two and its boundary it's a river. The lionesses accepted and went on their territories but with this their father was gone.
Both, Kyda and Ruka, now have big prides and live in a continue fight.

         King/Queen-the leading pair who leads the pride. (Ruka, her mate and Kyda's mate open)
        * Prince/Princess- the cubs of the leading pair the future king/queen
         Cubs- the cubs on the lions in the pride
         Teens- Older cubs
         Guard- the lion/lioness who protects the pride from it's special place. He/she must warn the pride if something is wrong.
         Huntress- the lioness who hunts
         *Lead huntress- an older lioness who teaches the others to hunt
          Warrior- lion/lioness who fights for the pride
         *Lead warrior- and experienced lion/lioness who teaches everyone to fight
           Babysitter- a lion/lioness who will protect the cubs and younger teens
           Healer- the lion/lioness who will heal the sick and injuried lions
           *Lead healer- the healer who teaches the rest how to heal
           Elder- an old lion who tell story and will help the other lions if they need to know something
           *Betrayer- a lion who made something wrong and has to leave the pride
             Loner- loner lion who won't be in the prides (but during the game they can enter the prides) or the liopns who were kicked out of their pride...the loners wont claim dens and will walk on both teritorryes but wont live in the pride's den....

!!Th e ranks with ''*''  means that are not valid from the moment you joined the pride. You need to earn them.!!

                                                                         **PREFFERED BEHAVIOR FOR THE PRIDES*
               Oruka Pride: well the members should be kind royal and nice...oooo and smart! they wouldn't like to start a fight only if someone atacks the pride. they don't like to step over the boundary and they will be ALWAYS thinking in the right way and speak properly....:D
               Rouka Pride: the members should be mad evil......mysterious ...and they are good fighters..they will always try to start a fight or try to cross the boundary... :o they won't think right in the most of the moments and will always look for a fight or something they wont share food...and will be rude

              But both prides will respect their leaders !

                                                                             *The Prides*
                                       Oruka Pride:

                                    Queen- Kyda
                                     Lead huntress-
                                     Lead Warrior-
                                    Lead healer-

                                Rouka Pride:

                                     Lead huntress-
                                     Lead Warrior-
                                      Lead healer-


                                   -The other ''cats'' can join ONLY IN THE ROUKA PRIDE  because their should help the bad lions
                                    -If the lions willstep over the boundary they will be kept by the members of the pride in the ''cell'' untill the leaders and the elders will judge them..they will give them a sentence...!! the death sentence will be given only in very bad situations!! (after a lion dies in the RP they can come back on other char if they want)
                                    -This is a realistic lion RP but you can have any marking/color.
                                     -No POWER-PLAYING/GOD-MODING!!!! You will be kicked if you do this.
                                     -Respect others and don't be the only one who controls the RP.
                                     -Don't claim dens. The prides have their dens and you wont need more.
                                     -DON'T USE THE MAP AS YOURS!
                                     -You are welcome to initiate fights with other members of the pride in game, however if the other person is uninterested in taking part, you must respect their wishes.
                                     -The Rouka pride is the ''evil'' one and they will SOMETIMES cross their boundary searching for food or just for fun. The Oruka pride is PEACEFULL and happy.
                                      -Every pride member starts out at the most basic rank of their job - Guard, Hunter,  Healer. Rank raises will be awarded as the RP progresses
                                       - Most importantly, have fun! And don't be afraid to ask questions!
                                       - You don't need to be really active but we like to encourage you to play as more as you can and if you are going to miss for a long period please warn me.

!!!!If you get 5 attentions from me you may get kicked!!!

                                 If you want to join find me in the game( i am cherrywolf00) or reply here. If you reply here you will need :

                                   *In game name-
                                     * Lion name-
                                       *Age- (cub-teen-adult-elder+ number, ex: Elder- 10 years)
                                       * Rank preffered-
                                        * Pride-
       !! the ones marked with *  means that need to be filled !!


       Well I have a height map's not really big but it's ook...  I think:D. If you need to know where is your  pride boundary it's simple: the Oruka pride has everything it's with grass and sand  and Rouka pride has everything with snow.
webcam gif

 map :

                                                    THANKS A LOT! AND HOPE YOU WILL JOIN

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / KiarasKingdom
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:53:41 pm »
;)Hello!! This is my one of my maps...its not really good hope you enjoy it :D   Dont use it as a personal pls :P ::) its mine :D   and....idk but maybe i make a pride/pack idk....anyway here is a photo

[/b] The map
  The map was made by me. It took 1hr. The map is MINE. So please don't claim it or don't claim any den there. The dens are made only for the group members.
Forest 100%
Water 80%
Dens 100%
Space 100%
Sacre place 100%
Food 100%
Secrets 100%
Enemy camp 100%
Here is a photo of the main atractions of the map. The rest are secrets xD.
Link :
Don't powerplay .
Don't claim a den or something (the leader is Nala ...and Kiara)
Respect others and don't use bad words.
Rp as realistic as you can
Please have natural colors (black..brown...white...cream..etc.) and if you want marks please choose NATURAL ones.The preferable color is white(because we are royal)
The red are not availabile for the moment  the green ones are OK.
King/ Queen - the leading pair .
Royal cubs- the cubs of the leading pair. Future King/Queen
Head huntress- She decides when the females are going to hunt. She also teaches youn females to hunt.
Nurse- Lion or Lioness who are taking care of the sick and wounded lions.
Babysitters- Lion or Lioness who are taking care of the cubs. They have to do everything for the cubs to be safe.
Solider- Lion/Lioness who are tought to fight and protect the pride.
Hunter/Huntress- Lion/Lioness who are hunting for the pride.
Spy/Trackers - can be both genders. These are a sort of scouts of the pride. They look over the lands, to see if the enemy isn't clear. they can also infiltrate in the other pride as a spy to find out what they are doing
Elders- the oldest lions. Any lion above the 12 years will become an elder. they tell stories to the pride and pass their wisdom
Cubs-the youngest members of the pride. they are between 0 months and 9months
Teens- Young lions, ready to be a part of the big circle of life. they are between 9months and 2 years old
Omega- these lions are lowest in rank because they did something wrong. When you make to many mistakes or betray your pride, you will know as a betrayer and you have no change to come back into the pride. maybe you can try with the enemy then
Betrayers- These lions have betrayed their pride and honour. They are no longer welcome in the pride
[/u][/b] Requesting
you will need:
- link to character picture: take a screenshot in the game and load it up somewhere. (like imagehosting or photobucket)
- your ingame name:
- lion's name:
- gender:
- age: (in years please)
- prefered rank:
- character:
- RP sample:
My name is cherrywolf00

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