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Topics - spiritwolf123

Pages: [1]
Species / The Slotheren Wolves
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:45:49 pm »
My character is Spirit and she is a Slotheren wolf us Slotherens can shape shift into lions and humans but our main animal is a wolf but pure Slotherens wont be able to shape shift until they are about teenage requirements so that would be about 12.
Slotherens arent like other wolves though, they mate in summer and have their pups in autumn, the pups survive the winter because they are highly fluffy so they do not need the warmth of spring and summer and the Slotherens have the eyes and pupils of a snake also known as a contracted slit.
This species often grows wings but thats not always the case, Spirit does not have wings but almost her whole pack doesnt have wings only 1 apprientice, the Slotherens that usually grow wings are known as Dragon Sloths.

Ok well thats all i can tell you for now about my species, the joining thread is in general roleplay if you would like to join my species the rules are also in there.

Game Help / Where do i place the Feral heart patch?
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:53:44 pm »
Hi im having trouble with getting the patch to work i put the patch into the new feralheart+ folder and it joined together and its not working and i dont know where to put it someone plz help?

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