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Topics - WulffiWulf

Pages: [1]
Discussion Board / Car Troubles
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:28:10 pm »
so i woke up to go to school today like usual. my mom went to go drive me and saw she had a flat tire. she didn't think she was gonna make it to the gas station. luckily there were 2 guys cutting the neighbors grass and they had a air compressor to put some air in. they also had stuff to plug the tire with. so they filled it up good enough so that we could make it over to the gas station to get more air. when we got there my mom turned the car off, and put a little more air in to be sure it was good. when she went to turn the car on it wouldn't turn on. she tried and tried and it did nothing. yesterday she went to go fix that problem. the people at the auto parts store thought it was the battery so they replaced that. turns out it wasn't the battery. so at the gas station no one even bothered to help us. so we decided to move the car out of everyone's way and since so one helped us i had to push the car back while my mom was steering it. so now the car is sitting at the gas station with a bag in the window so it doesn't look abandoned. and we had to walk all the way back home as well...

we have not been having any luck lately. life really sucks right now.

Introduction / New here
« on: April 23, 2011, 06:57:57 pm »
Hey everyone im new here. i actually registered a fey days ago but forgot to post that im new  ;D

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